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So like, this just happened. Enjoy babes. I didn't realize how long this chapter is, wooooooooooooooo. So sorry for the typo's and such. I'm literally drained from writing this sexy piece.

Scrolling through the Internet board, professor Winston pinned a notice on the board. He hand picked a few pictures from today's assignment and I notice mine and Jesse's.

"Sweet! Jesse and I got top scores." I grin to myself as my phone vibrates.

J: "Nice going Hana, our pictures made it to the top score board. ;D"

H: "I'm sure Professor Winston likes mine more though."

I place my phone down to grab a juice box before I start on my other assignments. My fridge door is cluttered with notes from Genji, each one with a drawn doodle of him and small sayings. He's such a dork I thought to myself as a smile creeps on my face.

Walking back to my room, Genji's ringtone blasts.

"Hello?" I question as I stare at the clock in my room reading '11'.

"Hey babe, you weren't sleeping were you?" His voice tired as I smile.

"Not at all, just checking my classes. Jesse and I got top marks." I lay down on my bed as I cuddle the phone.

"Nice job baby girl." I can already see his smile on his face.

"So what's the reason you're calling so late?" I ask him as I hear silence on the other line and then a drunk Hanzo.

Genji tries to cover his phone telling Hanzo to be quiet. "Trying to get Hanzo to go to sleep. We had a meeting when I dropped you off at home and he's had a bit too many drinks with our client." I hear a dragged sigh from his end as the ends of my lips curl into a smile.

"Babysitting your older brother tonight?" I giggle as he groans.

"Sadly..." His voice heartbroken as I hear Hanzo singing to a commercial on the T.V. I couldn't help but giggle. "Anyway, I wanted to talk more about your friend."

"Jesse?" I question as I rub the bunny plush. "What about him? Don't tell me he stole your heart and you're leaving me for him." I say jokingly as he chuckles.

"No, no. There's something about him I can't put my finger on."

Another silence goes by as I stare at the ceiling.

"He seems different..." Genji ponders more as I stay silent.

"His accent? He told me he came from the States." I softly talk in the phone as Genji shuffles around.

"Found it! I knew he looked familiar." Genji now sounding more excited as I sit up. "Bet you didn't know that friend of yours was in a host club did ya?" His voice playful as I raise an eyebrow.

"What magazine are you even looking at Genji?" A smirk on my face as I hear him stutter.

"Don't judge what I read in my free time. You girls have interesting magazines." His voice shy as I giggle. "Anyway! He's becoming one of the most popular hosts. I wonder when he has the time to do that?" Genji's voice trailing as I remember Jesse texting me a few minutes ago.

"He texted me a few minutes ago...how does he have the time to text me if he's busy catering to girls?" I ask as Genji whistles.

"Looks like he has you in his mind. Which could be bad or good for the two of us." He chuckles as I grew flustered.

"D-Don't people host unwillingly?" My voice choked in my throat worrying that Jesse was pulled into this business because he was foreign.

"Shh, don't think bad thoughts. I'm sure he did it on his own, look it says so on page 30 paragraph 8."

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