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Daddy Genji is creeping out a bit this chapter *dies inside* ♡♡


The day finally arriving of my first day at my new university. I twirl in front of the mirror in different poses making sure there's not a single stain on my clothes. I stare at myself feeling cautious of revealing more skin than usual.  

A V-line baby pink crop top cami, skater skirt, and open-toe wedge heels. My hair in a messy curl as I grab my lipstick, applying it on smoothly. I make a pop sound with my lips as I smile at the reflection. 

"Let's hope for a good day." 

I grab my purse and laptop, exiting out of the apartment. Looking at my cell-phone it shows '7'. I stare at Genji's apartment door wondering where he is. As I enter the elevator and exit after the ding, I walk out of the apartment complex towards the bus station. 

The weather less warm now with fall creeping around the corner in a few weeks. The sweet sounds of the bird chirping tickles my ears as I happily wait at the bus station. I pull my phone out to text my parents I'm off to school. 

I suddenly feel a tap on my shoulder making me look behind. 

The usual bright green hair, honey brown eyes, and grin greets me in sweat. Genji takes one ear piece out as he looks at me. 

"First day at the new uni?" 

I smile, nodding my head. Our conversations every morning became a routine. Genji tiredly drinks his water bottle before talking. 

"You look nice. +10 points for not wearing something like sweatpants. That's what kids do now a days, right?" 

I giggle at him. "You sound like an old man." 

He makes a defeated noise as he places his hand over his heart. "Hana, how rude. I'm only 32." 

A sting again in my chest. That's right he's 32. I constantly forget since he acts so immature. I shake my head and smile. 

"When are your classes over?" He questions me as he rest his arms by his sides. 

"2." I look at him knowing that's when his classes start. A frown on his face as he shrugs his shoulders. 

"Maybe I'll see you later tonight?" Genji smiles at me as I smile back. 

"If I'm not too busy partying with the new students." I tease him as he chuckles. 

"Pfft, as if. I'll see you later Hana. Have a good day at school." He flashes a peace sign before jogging towards the apartment complex. 


The first few classes went by smoothly. No idiot boys have tried to flirt with me or professors questioning if I didn't mistake this university as a high school. I walk to my final class for the day as the wind tickles my face. 

Entering the class, I sit near the back to avoid any looks. A sun tan muscular guy with black hair the length stopping midway of his neck and a scruffy beard sits beside me. 

Really? Out of all the seats he sits besides me. I mentally curse him as I try to appear occupied. 

"You look new around here." 

His voice with a country accent and a deep tone. I only nod as he taps his pen on his notebook. 

"I'm new here too, I guess we're the cool kids sitting in the back." He looks at me with a grin as I blankly look at him. 

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