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Mmm, warning. You guys should already know c;

♡  * Jesse's POV * ♡

The cold biting my face as I exit the apartment complex. I held onto the bag containing Hana's gift. It was Christmas Eve today and the city is lively as ever. I breath in the cold air and then exhaling making a little mist. 

Pulling my phone out of my pocket I call Hana.

"Jesse!" Her cheerful voice greets me as I smile.

"Hey, I'm running a little late. Are you already there?" I ask her as I walk past the convenience store.  

"Yeah, I'm walking in now. How far will you be?" 

I look around my surroundings. "Probably in ten minutes. Order something while I get there." I grin as she agrees. 

"See you soon!" She hangs up as I put my phone back into my pockets and shoving my cold hands in my jacket, tightly holding onto the bag. 

"Fuck its cold out." I growl to myself as I quickly walk to the burger joint. 

Finally entering the burger joint with the warmth greeting me along with the smells of fries. Hana waves me over at the corner booth of the restaurant. 

"Hey, sorry for making you wait." I give her a frown as she shakes her head.

"No worries. It's Christmas Eve so there's a lot of people out." 

She slides her tray to the middle. 

"Eat." She demands as I sigh. 

"Did you get extra cheese on mine?" I look at her as she gives me a thumbs up. 

"Of course, you wouldn't eat it any other way." She giggles as I slide my jacket off before grabbing the burger. Her tiny hands fumbling in her purse as she slides a wrapped gift to me.  

"What's this?" I ask her as I look at the hand wrapped package.

"Your gift, silly." She eats her fry as she looks at me. "Open it." 

Taking one bite of my burger, I place it down as I wipe my hands with a napkin. I pick up the gift, shaking it beside me ear. It doesn't sound light. I look at Hana as she smiles while eating. 

Slowly untying the ribbon and lifting the lid of the box a brown leather strapped watch is placed nicely in the middle. A few rhinestones glistening in the light as the hands of the clock are in gold. My eyes quickly staring at her brown ones as she gives me a warm smile with blushing cheeks. 

"Do you like it?" Her voice sweet as a smile forms on my face.

"You didn't have to get this Hana. I'm sure it wasn't cheap." I look back at the watch, rubbing it softly with my finger. 

"Our friendship isn't cheap." She replies as she sips on her soda. "I wanted to get you something to remind you of our friendship any time of the day." A smile on her face. "Don't let any of your clients see this. They'll think I branded you." She giggles as I roll my eyes. 

I look the side of me at her gift. A frown on my face for not putting as much thought into mine as she did for me. She leans over the table and grabs the bag.

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