Ch# 42:🤦🏽‍♀️

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~ Sharjah POV
I woke up the next morning & key was gone. I got up & dialed Niques number.

"Hello" She answered

"Hey Nique, can you come over I need to tell you something " I spoke.

" Awnnn you alright" she asked

"No please come" I answered before hanging up.

Everything I worked hard for was over. I'm not ready for kids 🤦🏽‍♀️

~ Armoní Pov

" Girl I just got off, wassup now" Daihja spoke through the phone.

" Girl, yk that chick who said she was living in key's house when I pulled up" I asked

" yeah yeah her and her lil friends was at my job" She replies.

" Well she pregnant hoe" I laughed

" Is it keys " she asked

" Yeah I think so. I'm not sure, I heard she was fw another nigga" I continued to laugh.

" Wooooowww, so whats the plan? "She spoke.

" So you know how key not tryna be with me, let's get revenge. Since he wanna break my heart, what was ole girls name that worked at St Monty hospital" I asked

" Oh uhhh damn I forgot, but my cousin jay know her and I'll get her number for you" She spoke

" Alright call me back when u get it, & tell her I'm willing to pay 10 grand" I spoke

" Damn bihh alright" she said before hanging up.

~ Shar Pov

" Hey " I spoke while opening the door and whipping my eyes.

" Awwnn honey what's wrong" Nique asked.

" I'm pregnant and ion know who the father is" I replied

" What, please tell me you ain't fuck Yazz too" she yelled

" I did Nique chill" I replied

" Girl , tf we gone do" she asked

" I dont know, but I don't  wanna have anything to do with Key or Yazz" I spoke

" Girl what about the baby he or she needs a father" she replied

" My baby don't need a father fuck them" I yelled.

~ Keyshawn POV

" Hello wassup" I spoke through the phone.

" Nigga what, why you calling me" she asked

" Because I miss you, && we need to talk" I replied.

" Is this cause yo girl pregnant & she don't want yo ass" She laughed.

" Nawl i miss you, kissing you & touching you" I replied.

" It's a little to late for that. I love you Key but I've moved on". She spoke and hung up.

Armoni Pov.

" Alright Girl, I got the number" Daihja spoke through the phone.

" Awnn fr, thank you so much. I had just got off the phone with his stupid ass" I spoke

" Yeah she gone text you where to meet,but what that nigga say" She asked.

" He said Oh I miss you & I wanna be with you. Girl just a while bunch of bullshit, but he ain't ready for what's about to hit him" I replied.

" Okay so what exactly are you tryna do" She asked

" Ight so i want him to suffer, I want him to be played and lied to rihh, but I don't know imma figure this out & keep my eyes open" I replied.

" Alright when you do let me know" She spoke and hung up.

~ 2 months Later~
Shar Pov
I was sitting at home watching a movie & eating popcorn. I was thinking about my life and my future with this baby and doing it on my own. I'm feeling like i can do it, but i wasn't sure. I was dressed and waiting for bahja to come pick me up for my second check up at the doctors office.
~5 Mins later~
" Heyy Girl, how you feeling" Bahja spoke as I hopped in the car.

" Girl my back , neck , and knees hurt" I spoke

" Lmaoo Awwn you got a long way boo" She laughed
We pulled up into the parking lot, walked in and I signed in. About 15 minutes later a nurse came out and asked for me. I walked back and the doctor was in his room waiting for me.

" How are you today Mrs. Thomas" He asked

" Ughh Im fine" I replied while climbing into the bed.

" Have you been taking your vitamins & eating healthy" He asked.

" Yeah a little" I replied scratching my head

" Well Mrs Thomas today we're going to get you an Ultrasound" He spoke.

" Ok Can i also take a DNA test" I asked

" Sure and you can also no the sex" He spoke

" No i rather not know now" I replied

" Ok then right this way" He got up and showed me down the hall. As I was walking I saw someone who looked familiar. She had big brown eyes & Long black hair. I knew I've seen her before but I couldn't remember.

*End of this Chapter*
*Hope you enjoyed it*
* Stay woke for new chapter*
Love yaaaa 💕💕‼️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2018 ⏰

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