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Henry was napping when someone knocked at the door. Oh no, not Daniel again? Dread seeped through Henry. He hadn't yet formulated a new plan to sabotage another date.

He peered around Abby as she opened the door, and then exhaled with relief. It wasn't Daniel.

Abby greeted the woman and seemed very happy to see her. A friend then? She carried armloads of groceries and a movie.

"Magnificence has arrived," the woman announced and plopped the bags onto the table. "Speaking of magnificence, I hear you have a magical dog?"

"Why yes!" Abby answered. "He's right over here."

Henry perked, very curious to meet this woman.

"Henry, Rhonda." Abby made exaggerated gestures as she spoke. "Rhonda, Henry."

"Pleased to meet you, sir." Rhonda bowed and extended a hand.

Henry lifted his paw and touched her outstretched hand. Rhonda squealed with delight and looked up at Abby with amazement.

He couldn't help staring at her. There was something familiar about this woman, this Rhonda. Henry tried to think. It was the same feeling he got when he met Abby at the shelter. Those stunning blue eyes, that graceful dark hair... he knew her. But from where?

He watched as she began bustling in the kitchen with authority, chopping onions, pulling out pans, and shaking out just the right amount of seasonings. It all seemed very familiar. Since she was Abby's friend, it made sense that he knew her from when he was dating Abby. Yes, that was it. That made perfect sense.

Abby's culinary endeavors generally consisted of putting frozen things into the microwave. This woman, on the other hand, knew her way around a kitchen. He didn't even know Abby had that many spices in the cabinet!

An hour later, the women were seated at the table, laughing, talking, and eating something that smelled really, really good. He crawled closer to get a better whiff, and also to catch any stray bites that might have fallen from their plates.

"This is amazing," Abby said between bites. "I forgot how good you are."

"You did not." Rhonda smiled.

"You're right," Abby admitted. "How could anyone forget this?" She held up a forkful and then closed her mouth over it. "Mmmm."

Henry drooled, but nothing was dropping from the table. If dogs could pout, he was sure he would be pouting.

After what seemed like an eternity, Rhonda sat back and placed her hand on her belly. "I am stuffed."

"Me too."

Henry lifted his head up expectantly. Ooh, leftovers! Yes, please!

"Mind if I give Henry my scraps?" Rhonda asked.

"He would love that. Go ahead."

Rhonda scooted her chair back and placed her plate onto the floor. Henry immediately began gobbling the pieces on the plate and licking the sauce. He couldn't believe how good it was. Succulent pieces of fish, delicately flavored cream sauce. And capers.

Henry stopped. He knew this dish. Abby used to cook this for him when they were dating... didn't she?

How could that be possible though, when she couldn't even roast a chicken? He looked back at the two women laughing over some story and went back to licking the plate, thinking. Both of them were very familiar to him. He had recognized Abby immediately and it felt like coming home. And yet... he recognized Rhonda just as quickly. It nagged at him. Why were his thoughts so hazy? What if he was wrong about Abby? What if...

Henry shook his head at the crazy thought.

What if Rhonda was his girlfriend instead of Abby?

:-O Ahhhhh vooooote!

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