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Now that the tense reunion was over, Abby realized they were having oddly private conversations on a random public sidewalk.

"I guess we should go home now," she suggested.

"I agree," Rhonda said, standing up.

As they walked back to Rhonda's car, Abby noticed that Henry stayed close to Rhonda's side. Come to think of it, he barely even acknowledged her presence the whole time they were there. Figures, Abby thought darkly. Their whole lives, men had always looked past her to look at Rhonda. And why wouldn't they? A mousy, ordinary woman could never compete with a raven-haired beauty with sapphire eyes.

Abby fought back the pang of jealousy. They were adults now, and Abby had miraculously snagged Daniel.

As Rhonda drove, a thought occurred to Abby. "Um, so..."

Rhonda looked at her when she didn't finish. "Spit it out."

Abby took a deep breath and tried again. "Is Henry still coming home with me, or..."

The look on Rhonda's face said she hadn't even considered the question.

"It's just that he seems really attached to you now. Plus, I don't think he likes Daniel."

"Hmm." Rhonda pursed her lips in thought.

Would Abby miss Henry? Probably. He did get her out of the house, and he did some pretty amazing things. Well, that was back when she thought he was just a dog like any other. Now that she knew the truth about him, his antics weren't quite so amazing, and the disturbing parts now seemed even more disturbing.

Rhonda didn't speak a word until she pulled up to Abby's apartment. "Well, here we are."

Abby looked at her friend, whose face was unreadable, then got out and opened the back door, motioning for Henry to come out.

He didn't move.

"Come on Henry, we're home."

He laid down, looking away.

"I know you know what I'm saying. Let's go!"

At Abby's raised voice, Henry looked at her and whined softly. His message was clear. He didn't want to go with Abby.

Abby looked at Rhonda with questioning eyes.

She had turned in her seat to watch the whole interchange, and now looked back at Abby with a helpless shrug. "It doesn't seem like he wants to go."

Borrowing from Rhonda's trick earlier, Abby looked into Henry's eyes and said, "One bark for yes, two for no. Do you want to stay with Rhonda?"

Henry sat up and barked once.

"I knew it!"

Rhonda gave her curious glance. Abby waved it off and asked her, "Do you want to keep Henry?"

"Well..." She paused before answering, as if considering her words. "I feel like it could be a way to atone for what happened to him. Would you mind?"

"Not at all!" Abby grinned. "I'm actually kind of relieved."

Rhonda raised her eyebrows. "Relieved?"

"Yes! Truth be told, I was starting to find him a little creepy."

Rhonda laughed while Henry snorted indignantly.

"Well, it works out for everyone then, doesn't it?" Rhonda said, still laughing.

One chapter left! Thank you for your vote!

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