Chapter 17: Reunited

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Reacher let out a breath of relief as he kneeled down in the snow in front of Sage. He pulled Sage over to him and gave him a hug. Sage rumbled and licked Reacher's chin. Reacher smiled and couldn't help but laugh at Sage's tendencies. This dog was clearly making him soft in so many ways.

"Sage," murmured Reacher as he stroked him between the ears. "I thought that I lost you!"

"You could never loose me, Jack," pointed out Sage in amusement as he continued to lap at Reacher's face. Sage didn't get over zealous about affection much, but sometimes he just enjoyed to feel someone beside him and Reacher was usually the only option.

Reacher pressed his forehead against Sage's and held him close. "Don't go using my first name on me, Sage. You know that you'll always call me Reacher."

Reacher set Sage down gingerly and Sage grimaced at his shoulder. Reacher saw the twinge and he frowned. "What's wrong?"

"M-My shoulder," he stammered, suddenly now loud enough for Lisa to hear.

Lisa looked like she was going to pass out. She started to breathe heavily as she staggered sideways. "W-Wha...He just, is that?"

Reacher stood up and grasped her shoulders to stop her from passing out. He helped her sit down and he offered a small chuckle. "Well, I guess our secret is out."

"He just spoke, right? You didn't drug me or anything, did you," accused Lisa as she pointed a finger at Reacher's chest.

Reacher shook his head. "No, I didn't drug you. Sage was given illegal experiments and this is what came out of it. He can speak now and has some powerful sensory activity along with a higher pain tolerance. There's some other stuff, but I didn't read the file."

"If you two are quite finished I could use some help," muttered Sage as he placed his shoulder awkwardly in front of him. "Does someone know how to pop back in a shoulder?"

Reacher laughed as he scratched Sage between the ears. "Alright, buddy." He sat down while Molly let out a growl at someone coming near Sage.

"It's alright, Molly," whispered Sage with his eyes slanted downward. "It's okay."

Reacher grasped Sage's shoulder and Sage struggled to relax. He squeezed his eyes shut and felt Reacher grasp his shoulder tightly. "Okay, on three."


Reacher thrust his hands forward and Sage let out a scream. He spun around and looked up to Reacher. "What was that," he spat. "I thought you were doing it on three?"

"Two. Three," Reacher told him with a shrug. "Anyway, it doesn't matter. At least your shoulder if popped back in and we can get out of here."

Molly's eyes rounded as she took a step forward. "We can't leave." She swiveled her head around to touch her nose to Sage's ear. "What about your mate?"

"What is she saying," asked Lisa as she looked at Molly. She kneeled down, but Molly drew backwards.

Sage smiled as he limped over to her and smiled. "It's okay, Molly. They're not going to hurt you, I promise. They're my friends. That's Reacher and that's Lisa. They're very friendly."

Reacher extended a hand toward Molly and Molly tilted her head. Reacher couldn't help but smile at her. "It's alright. Come here, girl."

Molly took a few time steps forward as he brushed his fingers through Molly's thick fur. Molly seemed to enjoy it as she closed her eyes and melted into Reacher's touch.

"Okay, now we can get out of here," Lisa exclaimed.

"No, we can't," broke in Sage as he shook his head back and forth. "We have to go back."

Reacher hung his head. "Sage, I know that you love her, but we can't risk everyone's life for her," he confessed in the most gentle voice that he could. It was still rough like a military man, but Sage appreciated the sentiment.

"I'm not doing it for her. There are thousands of dogs there that are going to be fought and sold and no one knows. We have to tell someone," Sage pleaded as he thrust a paw against the ground.

Lisa played with her glasses as Reacher seemed to lean against nothing, just thinking. Lisa's mouth dropped open. "You're not honestly thinking of taking this on yourself, are you?"

"Not by ourselves," replied Reacher as he seemed to look Lisa over. "Do you have any jurisdiction here?"

"From Boston to Michigan? I don't think so," she pointed out in a high pitched voice.

"But, you should be able to at least offer some information. The problem is that you don't do join investigations. No one talks so no one knows. We have to stop this," Sage growled as Molly nodded vigorously.

Reacher stuck his hands in his pockets. "Do you think that this can work," he asked Sage.

Sage kinked his tail over his back as he marched forward. "Without a doubt. We at least have to try," he pointed out as he worked his claws against the snow covered road. "Are you with us, Molly?"

Molly took a step forward with her fur now soggy with melted snow. "I'll do this for my puppies and the puppies of other she-dogs that never got a chance to raise. This is for them."

Sage glared out at where he had come from and where he had to go back. He stuck out his chest and let out a deep breath. "This is for you, Skylar. I know that you're still alive and I will find you."

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