Chapter 11: Taken

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Reacher sat down in the stands and looked around. He thought that Sage would've been back by now. At least, he had hoped. Sage could've gotten himself into trouble. It wouldn't have been the first time. But, he was going to have to trust Sage until he learned something different.

"Next will be Mr. Lang with his prize fighter Fang! He will be going up against Mr. Jay's fighter." The announcer laughed at what he had just read. "A female Golden Retriever. Better place your bets now because this'll be a quick fight!"

There was a laugh from the crowd as a few bustled off to make their bets to the announcer. The announcer stepped onto out of the ring and looked around. "Let the next fight begin!"

Bells sounded before a large Pitbull with rippling muscles and thick scars etched on his face. His ears had been shredded and blinded in one eye. However, he didn't appear to have lost any of his fire. He walked around with his teeth bared in a snarl at anyone who came near him.

"We have a feisty one here, don't we folks?"

Suddenly, another dog bounded into view. However, this dog wasn't nearly as grand as Fang. She was beautiful, but she certainly wasn't a fighter. Her fur was fairly long and she had dark brown eyes. Her claws curled into the sandy ring.

"What are you doing here, Molly," taunted Fang as he crept forward, his words actually vibrating in the back of his throat in amusement.

Molly drew backwards until she couldn't back up anymore. She lowered down and pressed her haunches against the edge of the ring and shook in terror. "Fang, please," begged Molly as she shook her head. "I'm not a threat. Please, don't do this."

"I'm sorry, Molly, I truly am. But, I'm afraid that I will not be killed because I will not kill you. It's survival of the fittest and you shouldn't have found yourself in this predicament," Fang growled as he lowered into a crouch. "So, if you'll excuse me, I believe that I have a fight to win."

Molly lowered her head into her shoulders as the men around her laughed. Fang snickered as he leaped into the air.

"Leave her be!"

A body sailed into Fang before he could even come close to Molly. Fang was propelled backwards while the figure of a German Shepard stood protectively in front of Molly. He bared his teeth in a snarl and Reacher almost leaped to his feet.


Sage spiraled around to look at Molly. "Are you okay?"

"Fine," replied Molly with a deep breath of relief. "Thanks to you."

There was a stern growl as Fang rose back to his paws as the sound of whips against the ground rose up. The drunk men would not take kindly to Fang loosing. Fang shuffled his paws and faced Sage.

"Sage, you have to go," Molly urged with her ears shoved forward. "Please! I don't want Fang to hurt you and he will."

Sage knew that it was stupid, but he felt like he had something to prove to Molly. He felt like he had something to prove to everyone about his skills. He puffed out his chest a bit as he thundered his paws against the ground. "Don't worry about me. You should be worried about Fang."

Fang stalked forward with his head shaking from side to side as he marched forward. Sage prowled around as well with his claws gripping at the sandy ground. Sage nudged Molly to the edge of the fight so she wouldn't get hurt before he continued to prowl around with Fang.

"Get it over with," a man shouted in a slurred voice. "I want my money!"

A gunshot sounded as it was fired into the air. Sage let out a small whimper in surprise before Fang pelted forward. He slammed both of his paws against Sage's weak shoulder and he rolled sideways. Sage growled as he rolled back to his paws and shook the sand from his fur.

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