Chapter 13: Police Station

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"Jack Reacher, huh?"

Reacher looked up and out of the corner of his eye he saw the head of the Boston PD staring down at him. He had helped him with a few cases before, so they knew each other. But, he was just looking at Reacher in agitation.

"I didn't think that we would ever see you again. You're quite a loner," he pointed out.

"I wasn't participating in any dogfighting," Reacher murmured in the same calm and monotone voice.

Office Hunch clearly didn't believe him. He looked at Reacher and frowned. "That isn't what it looked like. You have dog fur on your hands and dandruff that is only found in dogs."

"I have a dog," Reacher muttered as he narrowed his eyes at Hunch with his hands gripping the sides of the chair that he was in in anger.

Hunch looked down as he slammed a hand on the table. "Yes, one that you fight!"

"What?! Why would I fight dogs? There's plenty more money in other things." Reacher quickly corrected himself. "Never mind. I just mean that I have a pet dog. He's..."

"What is he for," questioned Hunch as he leaned forward, using a typical interrogation technique, but Reacher saw right though it. He had learned the same thing when he was in the military, just in different ways.

Reacher sat back in the seat. "PTDS service dog," Reacher replied.

It wasn't a complete lie. He had been 'suggested' to get some sort of companion whether it be a service dog or just a pet. Sage had helped Reacher more than Reacher cared to admit and he hoped that he had done the same for Sage. Sage had been skittish and afraid of anything. Yet, now he could do anything that any other dog could do. The only limitation he had was his age.

"PTSD, huh?" Hunch continued to lean forward to put the pressure on Reacher. "And where might this dog be?"

Reacher longed to wring his hands together, but he couldn't. "He was taken," he replied.

"Convenient," Hunch exclaimed as he looked back to the one way glass. "You know, I like you, Reacher. I thought that you were a good man. Now I know what trouble you're truly in."

Reacher tried to stand, but he was restrained by his handcuffs. He swore under his breath as he looked around. "I'm telling you the truth! You're just too blind to see it."

Hunch narrowed his eyes as a man opened the door. The officer came towards Reacher and nearly picked him up. He led him forward and Reacher knew that struggling wasn't an option.

"Lock him up and we'll arraign him in the morning," Officer Hunch exclaimed as he puffed out his chest in pride.

The man nodded and almost carried Reacher forward. Reacher looked back over his shoulder and cast one more glance at Hunch before he allowed the officer to take him to lock up.

They threw him in and he was pleased that he was the only one in there. The other men had probably been arraigned already. That gave Reacher a little hope. They probably didn't think that he was involved. However, he couldn't wait to find out.

He peered at the lock before he looked back at his handcuffs. Usually they took them off, but Reacher assumed that they saw him as a threat. He let out a grumble as he thrust his hand down and felt his thumb dislocate. It certainly wasn't the worst pain that Reacher had ever been in, but it didn't exactly tickle either.

He popped his thumb back and gave it a few wiggles before he looked around for something that he could use to pick the lock. There wasn't much and there certainly wasn't anything that would work. He swore under his breath as he leaned back and thought again. He wasn't giving up. He had been in worse spots.

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