Chapter 20: Hostage

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Sage let out a growl as he ducked back behind one of the cages as shots fired. Reacher followed and peered around the corner ever so slightly to see the men stalk forward.

A cage opened and the men turned to fire. There was a yelp and Sage's heart skipped a beat, thinking that it was Molly that had fallen. However, the yelp was most definitely male and Molly had a very feminine voice.

"Come out you robbers! You think that you can steal my dogs," snapped a man with a very strong Mexican accident as if he belonged to some sort of cartel as well.

Reacher looked to Sage as he pressed a finger to his lips, a sign to be as quiet as possible. Sage ducked his head as he started to creep forward. They had done this numerous times before. They would head after Reacher and Sage would double around for an attack. It worked every time since no one expected Sage.

He curled around before he licked his lips with confusion showing on his eyes as he saw Molly join his side. He shook his head, but she wasn't letting up in the slightest. He wanted to force her back, but she was stubborn. He had no idea who her parents were, but they must have been as feisty as she was.

Reacher looked to Sage around the corner and Sage nodded. Reacher same out and fired a few warning shots before he rushed the other direction.

One of the men went to fire at him, but Sage was right there. He snapped his teeth against the man's arm and the man let out a scream as it broke in one place and dislocated his elbow. Sage let out a snarl as he thrust him to the ground, able to use his body weight to nearly crush the man under him.

The man still tried to fire, but Molly grasped his other arm and dragged it backwards, popping his shoulder right out of socket. The man screamed and Sage couldn't help but smile. He leaped off of Molly's shoulders and pelted forward to take on the rest of the men standing there.

Suddenly, Sage felt something slam into him. He went flying before he rolled back on his paws. He let out a growl with his hackles rising before he rose to his paws as he saw a dog. This dog had massive scars running down both shoulders from surgery it looked like while his eyes were bloodshot. It was clear that he wasn't in his right mind and if Sage had to guess, then he would've guessed drugs were in his system.

"What are you doing," Molly asked a she met the dog's gaze.

The dog clicked his teeth together as saliva started to run from his mouth. "This is my home. This is all that I've ever know! You're not taking this away from me!"

"I don't think that you have much of a choice now," chided Molly. "If any humans catches you then you'll be killed either way. That's why you have to go, now!"

The dog blinked his eyes and turned hollow. "It's worth the price," he breathed with his tongue lolling from his mouth. "You're going to pay for this, my friend. This will be the day that you suffer!"

The dog leaped for Sage, but Molly intercept him in midair. The Golden Retriever thrust the dog under her and sunk her teeth into his throat. The dog howled before he exploded his hind legs against Molly's underbelly, sending her flying. Molly let out a whimper as she crumpled to the ground, struggling to breathe as the wind was knocked out of her.

The dog stalked toward her before Sage leaped forward. He braced himself right in front of her and narrowed his eyes. "Take one more step and I'll slit your throat," he threate.ed

"Enough! This ends now."

Sage turned his head and saw reacher being held by his hair with his knees pressed against the ground and blood wet on his lips. He looked a little disoriented, but they had been through worse. He just didn't appear to be fighting back and Sage wasn't sure why.

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