I miss him.

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Annie's POV

I woke up from this amazing dream! Hayden was in it and he told me he likes me! Anyway, I look at the clock and it's 7 a.m. so I just go on my phone till my mom calls me down for breakfast which its around 9 now and I should start vlogging soon.

Mom]: So what were you doing up at 7 in the morning Annie?

Annie: I had a dream and I woke up.

Hayley: Was it about Hayden???

Annie: Stop!

Mom: Annie has a crush! On Hayden?

Annie: Way to go Hayley!

Hayley: Sorry!

**Annies Phone Goes Off**

Mom: Is it Hayden?

Annie: No! But he posted something on DreamWorksTV.

Mom & Hayley: Watch it!

{For this fanfic the song is going to be an original}

**Annie smiles as Hayden starts to sing** Then it disappears **

Mom: Was that Jayden?

Annie: Yeah it was. ( She said sadly)

Hayley: I'm sorry (Hayley said has she hugs Annie)

Annie: But isn't Jayden in L.A. with Hayden?

Hayley: Yeah that doesn't make sense.

Annie: Oh well I don't care anyway.

**Video is over now**

Mom: Why don't you guys go on the trampoline and vlog we need some footage for the vlog.

Annie & Hayley: Ok.

*Skip ahead to 11:50*


Annie: So guys we just got off the trampoline and were starving so moms making us lunch.

**Annie's phone goes off**

Hayley: Is it you know who?

Annie: Hayley!

Hayley: What they don't know who I'm talking about.

Annie: Still! and yes it is.

**Annie Starts texting and forgot about the vlog**

Mom: Ok since she's too busy texting were just going to film her reaction.

**Annie Screams when Hayden says he's coming to Maryland**And she can't stop smiling**

Mom: Clearly she's happy about something

**Hayden says he likes her**Her smile goes away**

Hayley: Not anymore.

Annie: It doesn't it matter anymore.

**It's now 12:25**DoorBell Rings**

Mom: I'll get it. **Leaves the camera on the counter in the kitchen**

**Mrs.Katie opens the door and the girls don't even pay attention to who's at the door**

Hayden: Hey, Hey, Hey!

**Annie turns around and freaks out. Annie runs to him and they hug**

Hayley: The more you hide your feelings the more you fall for them.

Annie: Hayley!

Mr.Jimmy: What does that mean?

Annie & Hayden: Nothing!

** Everyone has weird faces except Hayley who is smirking**

Annie: What are you guys doing here?

Hayden: Yeah, I thought we were going to the hotel?

Mr.Jimmy: Well. . . Mrs.Katie and Mr.Billy offered to let us stay with them for the time being.

Annie, Hayley, & Hayden: What!?!

Annie: Won't that be...?

Hayden: Awkward?

Mr.Jimmy: Why would it be awkward?

Everyone(Except Katie and Annie): He doesn't know!?!?

Mr.Jimmy: What don't I know?

Dylan, Jimmy, Hunter, Hayley, & Katie: Tell him!!

Hayden: Dad...

Mr.Jimmy: Hayden?

Hayden: Uh... I like Annie and she likes me.

Mr.Jimmy: Oh...

Hayden: And I told her about it and she basically rejected me... even though she likes me.

Mrs. Katie: Annie?

Annie: Hayden?

Hayden: I thought she knew!

Annie: She knows now!

Mrs.Katie: We'll talk about this later. Annie, why don't you show Hayden to his room, while I show them?

Annie: Let me guess?

Mrs. Katie: I know but it's the only room left.

**Looks at Hayden and smiles**

Annie: Come on.

Hayden: Ok.

**They walk upstairs and go to the door next to Annies room** Annie looks sadly at the door**

Hayden: This was Caleb's room wasn't it?

Annie: Yeah.

Hayden: I can just go sleep on the couch.

Annie: No it's fine its just I haven't been in here since that night.

Hayden: I didn't know that.

Annie: Yeah, you're the only one who knows.

**Annie opens the door**

Hayden: Wow.

Annie: What?

Hayden: I wasn't expecting this.

Annie: Yeah we left it just how he did. Except Hayley cleaned it up for him after.

**Hayden closes the door**

Hayden: Are you ok?

Annie: No (She says as her voice starts cracking and a tear runs down her face)

**Annie starts bursting out crying and Hayden hugs her**

Annie: I miss him.

Hayden: I know you do.

Annie: I feel like I can't live without him.

Hayden: You are though... Annie, I know now's not the time but... is that why you said what you said about us? Because Caleb won't be able to?

Annie: Yeah...

**Hayley bursts the the door and says...**


689 word count

Tell me what you think Hayley was going to say?

And yes Paige is in this i forgot to add her in but she will be in the next Chapter

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