The Breakup...

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I decided to put the ages back kind of their still 12 but it's closer to Annie's birthday then it actually is and Hayley is going to be 9 in this still because it's past her birthday so it's closer to Annie's.

Annie's POV

We started filming our show for Brat yesterday called Chicken Girls. So far it's amazing being on set I've met new people that are on the show and there's people that I know that are also on the show! Of course there's me and Hayden but Brooke and Rush are in set with us so it's super fun and then Hayden's friends Greg, Caden, Dylan, Mads and Riley. I found it kind of funny how Hayden's friends got cast in the show. Carsons in Washington and Hayley and Keeanne miss him like crazy Hayden and Greg seem kind of bummed that he isn't on set with them. I need something to drink cause we were practicing our dance so I go into the snack/break room but before that I told everyone where I was going and asked if anyone else needed one and all the girls said they did and the boys decided to mock us by saying things like "I'm dying I need water now before I die" or "It's been a thousand years without water I need it" so us girls give them death glares and I continued to walk to the snack room and when I open the door I see Keeanne and Hayley sitting on the ground Keeanne had her head down on her knees an Hayley was hugging her.

Annie: Oh my gosh Carsons going to be back in 12 days you guys need to chill!

Keeanne: Go away

*She sounded hurt and sounded like she was crying*

Annie: Are you crying? I was joking.

Hayley: It's not that. Carson broke up with her.

Annie: What?!?!?!?!?

*I screamed so loud that everyone could hear it and made everyone worried so they came running into the room*

Hayden: What happened? Are you ok? You didn't get hurt did you?

Greg: Wow Hayden chill.

Mads: Yeah what's up with you lately?

Riley: Yeah I mean we know you wouldn't want Annie getting hurt but chill.

Dylan: Yeah I mean I'm all for Hannie but she doesn't even look hurt.

Hayden: Oh shut- wait how did you know?

Brooke: So you guys weren't kidding

Rush: Uncle Rush is a go?

Caden: Uncle Caden!

Brooke: Aunt Brooke!

Dylan: Aunt Dylan!

Mads: Aunt Mads!

Riley: Aunt Riley!

Hayden: Oh and then Aunt Keeanne and uncle Carson!

Keeanne: Get out!

Greg: Woah I thought she would've been happy to hear car-

Annie: Stop talking all of you please! I'm so sorry Keeanne.

Keeanne: He texted it to me.

Annie: That jerk! Someone get me a plane ticket to Washington your girl needs to slap someone!

Hayden: Woah woah woah. What happened?

Hayley: Carson broke up with Keeanne...over text.

Dylan: Who does he think he is?

Mads: That's it get me a plane ticket too I'm gonna beat the crap out of that kid!

Keeanne: 😂 Thanks guys but I don't want to talk about right now.

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