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Annie's POV

Everyone looks at Keeanne confused and they walk out together

Carson- Great.

Kenz- I'm sure it's nothing

Hayden- Yeah I mean she could just want to tell him something

Carson- Yeah something we can't know?

Paige- I'm confused.

Dani- Keeanne and Johnny used to be a thing after Carson and Keeanne.

Carson- Yeah she looked happier with him.

Case- Did you stalk her after that cause we ALL    know that you guys didn't talk afterwards.

Rush- He kind of did.

Lauren- I wouldn't blame you I mean Keeanne was heartbroken for weeks and would stay with us until she realized that she liked Johnny.

Annie- Wait a second, Hayden you told us she went back to Ohio...

Hayden- She did after the accident she was living with them when we couldn't find her.

Brooke, Lexi, Tati, Jayden, Jojo, Dani, Case & Rush- Accident!?!?!!?!

Kenz- Yeah she got into another accident.

Carson & Hayden- Another?!?!?!

Kenz- Yeah she got into one when she was 5 and then 12 the doctors thought she would never walk again after the second one.

Keeanne's POV

Keeanne- What was that?

Johnny- What was what??

Keeanne- The rolling eyes?

Johnny- Yeah so what?

Keeanne- You're jealous.

Johnny- Of who? Carson?

Keeanne- Yeah just because I said yes to his date and not yours doesn't mean you should be rude!

Johnny- I'm not being rude I'm jealous that you said yes to him and not me  and if that counts as being rude then it's never going to go away until you tell me you love me again!

Keeanne- I didn't even really say yes he told me we're going on a date! God why can't you just grow up like, you did the same thing he did with he same person!

Johnny- Yeah and now we're dating!

Keeanne- Wait a second, your jealous and you want me to tell you I love you while you're dating someone? Wow and I thought Carson kissing me and then telling me were going on a date was strange.

Johnny-  We broke up she thought-Wait you guys kissed!

*John walks back in mad and I grab the door before it closes and tried to run in front of him because I already know what's going to happen but he's to fast*

Keeanne- John stop!

*Everyone looks at them worried and confused*

Johnny- I can't believe you! *he says turning  around to look at me*

Keeanne- Seriously?! You dated Kenzie and did you tell me right away no! Me and Carson aren't even dating yet!

Carson- What happened?!

Keeanne- John seriously walk away.

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