The Move.

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Annie's POV

After Keeanne and Carson left I decided to listen to mom and start packing because we need everything out of here before we go to L.A. next week for chicken girls i was walking upstairs and Hayden asked me something.

Hayden- You want help packing?

Annie- Sure!

*We walk upstairs and go to my room and we forgot boxes*

Annie- Let me go get some boxes.

Hayden- Ok. Babe?

Annie- I like that.

*I smile and go out of my room and down stairs to ask mom where some boxes were*

Annie- Hey mom-

Mom- In the garage.

Annie- Ok then.

*I go into the garage and grab 4 big boxes and 2 medium boxes then thank my mom go upstairs say hi to Paige and Hayley who are packing Hayley's room up and told them where the boxes were then I go into my room and Hayden was on my phone which I didn't really care if he was I mean he knows the password so I normally let him anyway that's when this happened*

Hayden- Whos Brennen?

Annie- He's- wait you went through my texts?

Hayden- That doesn't matter! You're texting other guys?!

*I hear Hayley and Paige walk up to the door but they don't say anything*

Annie- Doesn't matter that you went through my private messages?! And Brennen is just-

Hayden- No I didn't go through them he texted you saying I miss you Anns! I got confused!

Annie- You mean you thought I was cheating on you?!

Hayden- No-

Annie-I can't believe you!

Hayden- Me?! Who even is Brennen?!

Annie- Brennen is my best friends brother! Remember Katie? That's her brother!

Hayden- Oh Annie I-

Annie- Yeah yeah I know I didn't know that but next time don't jump to conclusions.

*I walk out and brush past Paige and walk downstairs to see mom and dad on their laptops while some things cooking in the pot so I grab my laptop that's right next to moms and dads and I set my phone down hop on the bar stool open the laptop and I decided to edit my videos that I've been making and need to upload and then I go on my phone after open the editing app when my parents noticed i looked upset*

Mom- You okay Anns?

Annie- Never better

*I said it in a sad tone so they could tell and after I said that Hayden Hayley and Paige come downstairs and Hayden walks right past me and doesn't say anything this is the moment I knew that mom and dad were going to say something about it*

Dad- You sure Annie Bannanie?

Annie- Yeah I'm fine stop jumping to conclusions.

Hayden- He has to. To make sure everything's ok.

Annie- Well if you would've let me explain we wouldn't be where we are.

Hayden- Well maybe if you told who he was before we wouldn't be in this mess.

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