Shes here.

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Annie's POV:

So it's 6:30 and we all were helping Hayden and his family unpack and showed them where everything was and me Hayley and Hayden were about to go on the trampoline when the doorbell rang.

Annie- Is that her?

Hayley- Probably who else would it be?

Mom- Open the door!

**Hayley runs and opens the door**

Hayley- Hi I'm Hayley. Come on in.

**A dog runs in and jumps on me**

Keeanne- Louie get down. Sorry about him he's a little hyper today.

Mom- He's been in the car too long probably.

Keeanne- Yeah. Your Annie.

Annie- Yeah how'd you know?

Keeanne- Well they showed me pictures of you guys and I watched he vlogs on the way down here.

Mom- Well Paige is out in the garage getting stuff out of her car she just moved here also so I was thinking later we all could go out to eat and go around town and find something fun to do?

Annie & Hayley- Yes!!

Keeanne- Sounds fun!

*A door opens from upstairs and we hear someone coming down the steps it was Hayden*

Hayden- Keeanne!?!?

Keeanne- Hayden???

*Hayden runs to Keeanne and they hug*

Keeanne- What are you doing here??

Hayden- I'm staying with the Leblanc's for 2 weeks and then we go back to L.A.

Keeanne- Well now I can make fun of you more!

Hayden- Great.

Annie- Who are they?

Keeanne- That's my sister and my two best friends.

Hayden- Hey I thought I was you're best friend!!

Keeanne- That was before you ditched me for California.

Hayley- Can we meet them?!?!?

Keeanne- Yeah.

*We walk outside to see an older girl a girl who looks my age and a boy who likes a little bit older*

Keeanne- Guys this is my sister Nina. And my friends Johnny and Lauren Orlando.

Hayden- Johnny what are you doing here?

Johnny- I could ask you the same thing?

Hayden- I'm staying with the Leblanc's for 2 weeks.

Johnny- I'm helping Keeanne move.

Hayden- Now all we need is Carson and Mackenzie and our squad is back together.

*Keeanne gives Hayden the death glare*

Hayden- Still a touchy subject?

Johnny- Yeah.

Keeanne- They came to visit me when Mrs.Katie and Mr. Billy came to adopt me

Mom- Yeah their super nice and when we go to L.A. they'll be in the same hotel as us.

400 word count^^^^^

Yes this was a short chapter but I wanted to update and I didn't want to make it super long because the next few chapters might be a little bit longer then this one

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