Chapter 1

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"Finally, we are done with meetings for the day!" Exasperatedly she sighed as she slammed a 3500 Silverado door. 

"I don't understand why you're complaining, it is only one o'clock. Also we only had one meeting," a young man commented.

"Wrong... You only had one meeting. I had two, and my first started at seven this morning and ended at ten. On top of all that, I had to deal with you two buffoons (mainly you Adam) half my morning, be interrogated with personal questions by the owner of the Georgia Dome, and I had to wear a dress when I did not want to," she explained.

"I am not a buffoon... But even if I was Eric is a hundred percent more of one than I am," the young man Adam commented as he looked at her pretending he was offended,

"Please... try to fool someone else," she replied as another young man sitting in the backseat started commenting.

"Dude, please. At least I have the courtesy not to stare at Maya's ass the whole entire time. Anyways Maya, you look hot today and from what I can see you have no change of clothes. So, quit complaining about the dress."

"Eric... I realize you're trying to be sweet, but quit sucking up. Anyways, I do have a change of clothes. By the way I one-hundred percent agree with your comment about Adam," she explained.

"Ummmm... still here. Anyways, his comment about me is wrong in my opinion. Where is your change of clothes Maya?" Adam questioned.

"Why?" Eric and Maya asked at the same time.

"Because I'm going to throw them out the window, so I can continue goggling at you tits and ass all night. Also, so everybody else can enjoy this view at the party tonight," he answered with a sly grin on his face. 

"Which is why I don't tell you where I keep my change of clothes at."

"Wait... Maya, what kind of personal questions did Terrance ask you?" Eric questioned with a thoughtful look on his face.

"He asked if I was single, if I was interested in guys... things like that. Oh, and he kept on staring at me strangely. You would think I would be used to the look though, because it is the same look other guys give me," she answered a second later.

"Dude! He was seeing if he could hook up with you!" Adam yelled while laughing, because he was not surprised Maya did not catch on. She never caught on. He remembered when her friend Eli had finally asked her out and she was caught off guard. Eli had been flirting with her for months, but Maya never caught on.

"No he wasn't. No one but you two lunatics flirt with my ugly, rude, fat self," she replied believing with every ounce of her body she was telling the truth. She said all this while remembering the moment Eric first saw her and would not quit goggling at her.

"Maya... You are oblivious to people flirting with you. Everyone that is interested in girls stares and flirts with you," Eric chimed without having to hesitate. Then, he added, " This is because you are hot, sweet, protective, nerdy, and daring." He thought back to when he first saw her. She had wore a tight black tank top and some worn-out, ripped-up, blue jeans. She had been working on Bone Collector, Alexander's truck. He could not take his eyes off of her.

"Y'all believe what you want," she sighed as she pulled on I-75.

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