Thirteen - "I have a boyfriend,"

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"I have a boyfriend,"

Kelsey's Point of View:

"Get your lazy ass up!" The piercing voice of none other than Carly Risi came barging into the room as the door flung open, slamming against the dresser behind it causing me to jump awake in my sleep though my eyes remained partially closed.

Mumbling incoherently, I threw my head farther into my pillow, desperately trying to block her out, hoping that the more I cuddled under the covers, the sheets would swallow me up and she'd leave.

But all hopes and dreams are crushed at some point.

"Don't you dare ignore me Kelsey Anne Jones or I will forcefully rip you out of that bed by your ankles!" Slamming a heeled foot to the hardwood floor, Carly crossed her arms against her chest, smoke practically flying out of her ears.

I groaned covering my face with my hands, desperately seeking sleep. "Please Carly, give me another five minutes," I moaned out, trying to find that peace of mind I was in just before Carly came into the room like her ass was on fire.

Groaning, Justin tightened his loose arm placed across my stomach, nuzzling his head into my neck as he remained in his sleepy nature, falling quietly back to slumber.

"I'm giving you to the count of three to get up or God so help me Kelsey, I will murder you," Her eyes burned against my skin as she glared in my direction. "One..." She emphasized purposely, "Two..." She raised her voice louder, "Thr-"

"For the love of God and all that is holy shut the fuck up!" Justin barked from beside me, his head shooting up about a few inches from my shoulder as he swore under his breath.

Narrowing her eyes, Carly huffed a breath, "This doesn't concern you, Bieber." She spat, feeling fairly feisty this morning as she stood her ground, refusing to fall under Justin's wrath.

Cocking a brow, Justin scowled, irritated, "When you're coming into my house, barging into my room and yelling at my girl then yes, it does concern me."

Knowing he had a point, Carly locked her jaw tight, gritting her teeth together, "Whatever," She hissed at Justin before turning to me, "did you forget that you have morning classes today or?"

Widening my eyes in realization, I shot up in bed, the blanket that oh-so comfortably kept me warm fell letting the cold breeze flash through me, bringing a sudden chill down my body. "What time is it?"

"It's a quarter to seven which means you have about ten minutes to shower, get dressed and eat before we have to leave," Checking her watch, she scoffed, "and in this case you might as well skip it all and just get dressed because we don't have much time to do it all."

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," I muttered under my breath as I slipped out of bed, searching around the room for something decent to wear.

Wiping his eyes, Justin sat up in bed, propping himself back on his elbows, his eyes falling on my scattering figure. "What the fuck is this that I hear about classes?"

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