Fourteen - "My main priority is you--"

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"My main priority is you--"
Viewers discretion advised.

Justin's Point of View:

To say I was mad would be an understatement. I was completely and utterly fuming with rage that I had about half the mind to turn back around and shoot the motherfucker point blank in the chest.

But I kept myself calm enough to drive off before I did anything I would regret. Besides, the fact that I had a bit of a talk with him before I left reassured me that the fucker would think twice before ever coming near my girl again.

Once I heard the car door close shut, I knew I was in the clear to say whatever the hell I wanted, "If I ever see you go near her again-"

"Seriously man, I was doing no harm." Tanner put his hands up once more as a sign of surrender, "I was just trying to make sure we were cool. That's it."

My eyes narrowed, "You can justify it all you want. You put your hands on her, that's a strike off your marks of survival."

Tanner blinked over at me, his lips parted in slight disbelief.

"The fact that you know shit about her that you shouldn't, only adds on to my strong disliking towards you. If you were smart, you'd just shut that mouth of yours and back off before I make you." A sneer crossed my face as I stood toe to toe with him. "Better yet? Why don't you go back to Colorado because you're not needed here in Stratford."

"How the hell do you know I'm from Colorado?" Tanner arched his eyebrows, his lips pursed.

A wicked grin pulled at the corner of my lips, "I know everything about everyone here. This is my town, if you haven't noticed. If you spent the night getting buzzed under the bridge that crossed over the river down by Southside, I would know. If you Bobby hooked up with Leanna last weekend, I would know that too because everything always comes back to me, you got that?" Stepping even closer, I locked eyes with him, "So even if you had the balls to go near Kelsey again, I'd know that too and it'd only be a short amount of time before I found your ass."

Locking his jaw tight, Tanner kept his hands curled at his sides, "You don't even know me." He snarled in irritation.

"But you know me and you know exactly of what I'm capable of. If you think for a split second that I won't kill your ass, you've got another thing coming kid."

"Whatever," Tanner spat, looking away from me as he stuffed his hands in his jeans.

"Good so now that we've got that out of the way..." I turned to walk away but turned back quickly, gripping Tanner by the shoulder as I shoved my knee into his groin.

Tumbling over in pain, a loud groan of pain escaped as he cupped his lower abdomen, cursing to himself, a string of incoherent words falling suite as he stared up at me with pure hatred.

Leaning down, I crouched down to his eye level, my hand still placed on him. Smirking, I fought the chuckle that nearly ripped from my throat, "Take that as your first warning, Evans. If I see you even within an inch of her direction..." I trailed off, shaking my head, "I might as well not finish the sentence because I'm sure you can imagine what'll happen to you next." Patting his shoulder, I backed away before revolving over towards my car.

Turning to look at Kelsey, I took notice on the way she held herself together though despite the tough exterior, I knew she was hurt inside. Leaning over, I brushed the padding of my thumb across the lining of her jaw, "Are you okay?" I murmured softly.

Pulling away from my touch, Kelsey refused to look over at me as she stared ahead, "I'm fine." She replied monotonously.

Sighing, I took the stick layers between my lips and flicked its ashes outside the open window before taking another drag and letting the smoke moist the air over in haze before it blew out with wind. "Don't be mad,"

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