Fifty - "You deserve the world even if I'm not in it."

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"You deserve the world even if I'm not in it."
One Goodbye - Bob Hartry (x)

"Well, well, well," a voice taunted from behind causing every hair on my body to stand on end. The shift in the air was evident and it wasn't long before he knelt down before me and grabbed onto my hair.

I refused to give in.

Biting my tongue, I could taste the blood, but didn't dare flinch at the metallic taste. He wanted to know he caused pain in some way and I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction. Not this time around.

"Cole," I breathed out.

"The one and only baby," he drawled disgustingly while wrapping my hair around his wrist and pulling tight, extending my neck in an awkward angle so that I was forced to look him in the eye. "Miss me?"

I didn't even bother to respond. Spitting in his face, I kicked him somewhere on his body, paying little to no attention where because all I could think about in this moment was running away from him and all the pain he reminded me of.

Scrambling to my feet, I made a run for the door but it wasn't long before another figure stepped out, stopping me from doing so. "No!" I screamed before turning and rushing up the stairs.

Letting out a yelp as I fell down, I cried out from the force of my chin landing on the edge of the wooden stair before I was forcibly turned around and pulled down by my ankle. "Not so fast baby girl," Cole hovered over me, "we're not quite done here yet."

Thrashing around, I clawed at his face, "get off of me!"

"Shut the door," he ordered the man behind him and it wasn't long before I realized it was Sammy.

Parting my lips, it was then that I realized this was a retaliation attack. "No!" I screamed again just as he began to close it, "someone help me! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!"

"You can scream all you want, it's not going to stop me from doing this," punching me in the mouth, he threw me down the flight. "Grab her."

Taking me by the arms, Sammy discarded me into the center of the room, a distant look in his eyes, "please-" I moaned from the pain traveling through my body. I could barely talk as it is but I wasn't going to stop trying. I rather die doing so then die not having done anything at all. Out of everything I ever learned these last couple of years, it was to fight until you couldn't fight any longer, "you don't wanna do this."

"Shut her up," Cole growled and in that same second, Sammy's foot dug into my ribcage.

Scrambling backwards, I turned on my stomach while cradling my side, clawing at the floor to get as far away from them as possible, but just like before, I was pulled back by my ankles.

Back handing me, Cole grabbed me by the throat and squeezed tightly, "you're starting to get on my damn nerves. You'd think I was trying to kill you," he paused, a sick grin crossing his face as he pulled me closer, his fingers digging into my skin. Shrugging, he laughed, "now that I think about it... I guess I am."

Slamming my head down against the ground, he repeated the solid move before standing. Whistling, he looked down at me, a sinful glint in his eye as he ruffles a chuckle, his lips moving to say something, but I'm drifting away, and as I do, I see another two.

Justin's Point of View:

"How is she?"

Brushing her hair away, I gazed solemnly down at Kelsey as her mother came strolling into the room. Licking my lips, I turned to face her, "still nothing."

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