Thirty Eight - "Do you even know what the fuck you've done?!"

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Thirty Eight.
"Do you even know what the fuck you've done?!"

Justin's Point of View:

It was like everything around me stopped and all I could see was his body falling to the ground. By now everyone was gone; the entire club empty except for the few that stood back in utter shock, not being able to believe what they had just witnessed.

"Jesus fucking Christ," Wiping the blood off my nose, I hurried over to Marcus, dropping to my knees once I reached his side. Ignoring the blood around me, I began lightly tapping his face, making sure he stayed awake.

Stripping off my shirt, I held it near his wound, cleaning up as much blood as I possibly could before pressing down on it. "Call an ambulance!" I screamed over towards John who stood staring at Marcus in utter shock, not being able to believe his eyes. "Now!"

Marco sunk down next to me; a huge gash across his forehead, a few scratched scattering his nose as he ripped his shirt off as well, replacing it with mine as he began talking to Marcus with the intentions of keeping him alive.

"You done for the night Leo or do you want another one of your boys in a grave?" The voice whom I had picked up to be Cam earlier tonight spoke sending a wave of anger through me. Standing, I clutched my hands into fists, taking a step towards him when John had grabbed my arm, stopping me from doing so.

"Don't." He warned, "We don't need you in a hospital too."

"How about I just ring his God damn neck instead? I think that's a better fit, don't you think?" I hissed.

"Now's not the time to think with your fucking ego, Justin. Swallow your pride because I'm pretty sure Marcus needs us right now." He warned, his grip on me tightening. In return, I shoved him off, cursing under my breath.

"One of our own had gotten hit, since when did we let that slide?"

"We're outnumbered by five men who are armed. We have absolutely nothing. You tell me how the hell we're supposed to get away with murder," John spat harshly.

"Fucking hell," Closing my eyes for a moment, I took in a deep breath, ignoring the pain in my chest as I shuffled back over to Marcus, crouching down to check if he was still breathing.

"Where do you think you're going precious?"

Our bodies froze as a screech of surprise was heard coming from the other side of the room. On alert, I winded around to see Cam holding one of the women who had been stuck behind to his chest, her trembling body now under his control.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I barked, advancing forwards.

"Take another step closer and I'll slice her neck," Taking the knife he had used, Cam pressed the metal against her skin, Marcus's blood smearing against her causing bile to rise in my throat at the sight.

It was sickening to see to what length some people would go to ensure their own safety and the others anguish.

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