Fifty Two - "I just want my life back."

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Fifty Two.
"I just want my life back."

Hiding in the shadows of the beaten down apartment building, Justin waited patiently as time passed with his back pressed against the tattered wall. Flicking ashes from the bottom of his cigarette, he inhaled another round of smoke, letting it settle in his chest before blowing out and letting it twirl endlessly into the still air.

Droplet's from the broken sink in the kitchen resonated throughout the empty space, adding onto the eerie feeling. It was dark inside, no light except for the small lamp he had positioned next to his supplies for the night.

It was way past midnight, the crickets hiding underneath the bushes outside sounding into the cold while minimal cars drove back and forth to their designated areas.

"He's coming," Bruce made his way out from behind the door, ending the call and stuffing his phone back into the pocket of his jeans. "Are you sure you want to do this alone?"

"We've already discussed this," he gruffly spoke, his dark eyes lit by the moonlight lurking through the sliver of curtains draped over the dirty windows as he took his cigarette from his lips, letting it hang from his fingers. "Cole is mine."

Dropping the smoke to the ground, he crushed it with the sole of his shoe before gesturing towards the entrance, "now pay attention."

The rattling of car keys were heard on the other side of the door and everyone stood still, waiting for the perfect time to strike.

"We've got two bags of weed in here and a few select stacks of coke," one of them muttered quietly, "Lyndon said he wanted them all for tonight's shipment."

"Alright, well, hurry up then and get it before we're late and he has our heads on a silver platter." Pushing the key into the slot before twisting and pushing the door open, it wasn't long before Bruce had Peter in a headlock and Cole was hit over the head.

"Tie him up," Justin muttered, watching as Marcus grabbed Cole under the arms and dragged him to the other room.

"What the fuck is this?!" Peter growled angrily as he tried to fight against the hold on him. With his arms now twisted behind his back in an angle so that his back arched, he gritted his teeth together, eyes wide like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Oh this?" Justin played dumb for a second, "this is just an ambush, but you see, what's gonna happen after?" He laughed sarcastically with his lips twisted in a sadistic grin, the dead in his eyes causing chills to crawl on everyone's arms, "that's a thing called karma and you're gonna get a good taste of it real soon." Turning to Bruce, his face fell, "get him out of here."

"You won't get away with this," he barked as they began to tear him out of the room. "He's going to find out and he's going to kill you!"

"You think I give a flying fuck what your boss thinks?" Justin called out after him, "think again." Throwing a roll of duct tape his way, he nodded towards Peter, "tape his mouth so I don't have to hear him from all the way up here."

Ripping off a piece of tape, they smacked it across his lips before disappearing behind the door.

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