4 // The Worst Part

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Jake POV

I got back home and I could think about is how much I love Alissa and how close we became after this date. I couldn't stop thinking about her! When I went upstair to tell Logan all about it, I saw him packing... For what, I'm not sure... I ask him where he's going, I thought maybe he had  meetings with some companies or something, but then I remember... I was moving to LA, literally in two days, TWO FREAKING DAYS! I didn't even start packing but the worst part is I didn't start saying my goodbyes. Wait how am I gonna say goodbye to Alissa! I just met her and I thought everything was going great, but now... 

I didn't even ask her to be my girlfriend yet, Ugh I'm so dumb, I was planning to ask her next week, little did I know I WOULDN'T BE HERE!!! I'm so dumb oh my god I can't believe that I forgot to even tell her. My heart slowly started breaking into pieces by the thought of just leaving her and moving all the way to LA.  I was thinking of just staying here, but I had to leave because of my Disney contract. This just reminds me of a scene of High School Musical, but its literally my life. I don't know what to do, I'm so lost in my mind, just thinking about it, about her, leaving her here. She was the girl of my dreams, the girl version of me, and its a miracle that we met, but just not the right time...

I talked to Logan about it, because he was also leaving his girlfriend, just to get some advice. He told me that if I really liked Alissa, I should talk to her about the situation, tell her that no matter how far we are we will always talk,and insure that she won't forget me. Easy, right? You might think it is, but the worst part is leaving the person you love who might not even love you back...

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