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"Hello R.A.B, I am Harry Potter, your Brothers godson. I know we have never spoken before, but I just want to thank you, for realising the side of right, even if it were a little late. Thanks for trying to help bring Voldemort down." Harry said.

"No problem, Mr Potter, I realised what a fool I was, and what a fool he was. My 11 year old self thought Slytherin was by far the best house because of my Families pressure, and that overruled the hat. It tried to put me in Gryffindor. But I think, I deep down, I chose slytherin, because I was a coward. I wasn't confident like my Brother. In fact, I was jealous of him!" Regulus replied

"You are one of the bravest people I have ever met. I hope you and Sirius have got over your differences"

"Don't worry, we have Mr Potter" Regulus replied.

"Next time though, maybe ask Kreature to take it to Dumbledore, rather than try destroy it! We found it in a cupboard full of random stuff! It was one of the best hidden horcruxes, unintentionally!" Harry joked.

"You were lucky I remembered to tell Kreature anything! That potion was truly horrible. Thank you though, Harry, for defeating him."

"It wasn't just me, there is a whole load of people to thank."

"I know Harry, but I can't go sending letters round to everyone, can I! especially from up here! they will have to do with a thanks to you!"

"I suppose! I have got to go now Regulus, but thank you."

"Wait! before you go, you don't happen to know if a family named Mckinnion survived the war do you? They moved away I believe" Regulus asked.

"No, sorry, I don't. Why?"

"Just some old friends of mine and Sirius" he replied.

"I will try and track them down for you, but for now, goodbye"

"Goodbye Mr Potter, good luck!"

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