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SHE HURLED THE POT at us. I ducked, but Ben wasn't so quick. The woman attacked as he was trying to wipe soup away from his eyes.
She grabbed him and lifted him against the wall, "You're lucky Vosch still needs you. I just wanted to kill you and your little girlfriend."
He shot her in the gut, but she didn't let go. Old lady of steel. I ran up behind her, throwing myself onto her back. She finally let go of Ben. I lost my gun at one point, so I just held on, hoping to distract her long enough for Ben to find it.
"Why don't you just give up?" she shouted, "You know you can't win! He will find you and he will do whatever he can to get you back!"
I could hear a click behind me. Ben found the gun. I lowered my head, giving him a clearer shot. He pulled the trigger.
I let go of the woman. She slumped over. I looked at a fat white cat. You're welcome.
"Dumbo." Ben said, breaking the silence.
He was still alive when we got back, but barely. There's no way he'd make it for more than an hour. The bandages on his back were soaked with blood. I couldn't bring myself to look at him.
"We're going to check out the caverns, but we'll be back for you." Ben reassured the boy, "I'm not going to be gone for long."
I swung my rifle over my shoulder. Dumbo looked as if he were going to contest it, but he didn't thankfully. I probably wouldn't have been able to leave if he had. This was the kid that pretty much kept me from bleeding out (on more than one occasion). The least I could do was stay with him, but I didn't.
I followed Ben out of Urbana and back into the woods we were trying so desperately to avoid. There was just as much trash thrown around out here, but not as many bodies.
Grace's disgusting house was closer to the caverns than the hotel so it shouldn't have taken longer, but it did because Ben made us crawl through the trash. It took about an hour to reach a sign that read 'Ohio Caverns'.
I looked up to see the entrance to the caves as well as a gift shop. We hid ourselves behind a tree, watching as a man crossed in front of the shop.
He was wearing one of those outfits worn by priests. He disappeared behind the shop. Ben and I waited, but decided to make our move when he didn't return.
We walked along the side of the building.
You couldn't really miss it. The hole itself was huge, probably bigger than the shop, but the real thing that made it impossible not to see was what sat inside of it. Hundreds of bodies. Some were fresh while others seemed to have been there since the 1st wave.
I felt a hand wrap around my ankle, yanking me into the pit. I grabbed Ben's shirt, dragging him in with me.
A hand clamped down over my mouth. The owner leaned toward my ear, "Play dead or he'll know we're here. Shit he's coming"
I did what she said, mostly because I was afraid of whoever 'he' was. Is it the priest. Ben went still too. A killer priest? Isn't murder a sin? A sinner priest.
The priest stopped walking and stared at me, "I know you're fine. I'm not going to hurt you."
I didn't respond.
"You really think I could've done this? I hate guns." he continued.
The same person that pulled me in shot up and grabbed him. She threw him beside me, stole my gun, and pointed it at him.
"Then you're going to hate this." she said as she pulled the trigger.
I climbed out as quickly as possible. She followed and then Ben. She put my gun on the ground in front of me.
"I was saving all of our asses." she gritted her teeth. Her innocence was so obviously faked.
I didn't hesitate. I aimed the gun at her and shot, but before the bullet could even leave the chamber, something rammed into my elbow and threw off the shot.
I spun around to see who or what was responsible. I greeted by a very familiar face.
"No." I muttered, "You're dead."
"Almost." she sighed.
I threw my arms around her. I thought the last of my family was dead because of my stupid mistakes.
"Teacup?" Ben asked.
Marika pushed me off of her, shaking her head.
I looked back at Ben. I was right. I really wished I wasn't.
How the hell did she make it? She made it very clear that she wasn't going to leave Cup. I glanced at the new woman. And I doubt she would ever take someone new unless she absolutely had to.
Something's off.


Listening to throwback Green Day and Red Hot Chili Peppers. Tbh Can't Stop and Otherside are the best Chili Peppers songs and Holliday is the best Green Day song.

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