Chapter 11: Runway...

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Chapter 11: runway...

After eating with them, we went to our rooms and then we changed and slept. We slept in the second room, which had 2 beds

I woke up at 11 AM, and I was still tired but I needed the rest for the modeling show tonight. I needed my beauty sleep as I like to call it.

I stayed in bed thinking and I got a phone call it was now around 11 25. I answered the phone it was Lucas again, I was happy again to hear his voice and we talked for 10 minutes until I had to go take a shower for my photo shoot.

I had to take photos in bikini’s today and in sports outfits. The pictures were pretty.  When I was done taking pictures, I took my make-up off my face and went outside to find Alana. We went on the water slides and we tanned again.

It was 7 30 and It was time for my make-up again. I had someone put my make-up, do my hair and fix my cloths when they were on.

At exactly 8, I was freaking out, I was stress-out and nervous, I had this short red dress with high silver heals. And Alana had a short green dress, she was also stressed out.

I heard the announcer talk and I didn’t understand anything she was saying. She was babbling about the line we were going to model. When she was done, I heard people cheer and clapped.

The first song was playing (without you by David Guetta) and as the song started that was my cue. I opened the curtains and I realized all eyes were on me. I gave a small smile and started walking down the runway with confidence and pride.

I waited and posed at the end of the runway, I was waiting for a male model to come. I did as we rehearsed earlier. He looped his arm around my waist and led me to different place of the runway until we reached the end.

We walked back inside, and changed into different outfits, this time, I wore a skinny yellow jean with a white shirt and black heals. The song was already different and this time, I walked down the runway alone. After walking again, I changed this time into a red bikini that was looking pretty with my skin color, I wore gold heals this time and a sun hat. I walked down this time with the same guy and he had a bathing suit and he was shirtless, he was holding ‘my’ bag for me.

We walked down the runway again faking like we were completely in love with each other, but we had no idea who we were, I didn’t even know his name.

We went back to changing and this time, it was with long dresses. I wore a long navy blue dress with diamonds on the top and diamonds in the center. I went down the runway with him again and this time, we acted more in love.

Before leaving the runway for the last time, all of the models walked down the runway and we got introduced to the public by the annoying girl.

When they called all the names they were called by couple, the public would cheer, after each names that the girl called, the models posed again at the end of the runway and went back to change for the after party. I was the last on called with the guy that was next to me his name was Jeremy. We walked down the runway and they gave me a bouquet of flowers.

I walked off the runway and changed into my dress for the after party, I was wearing a turtle neck orange dress, with the back open and it was short.

I walked out of the door and I was now in the room were the after party was. I heard everyone clap as they saw me and people have being telling me that I did great and some agents have asked me to model for them, but I didn’t take their offers.

I went to find Lindsey and Alana was right behind me.

“You girls did great; you were drop-dead-gorgeous! Congrats!!” Lindsey told us hugging us.

“Thank you Lindsey!” we answered at the same time.

“There are my two shinning stars!”  Thom told us

“I knew you like it” I told him, usually he doesn’t like when I model, he doesn’t like when I ‘expose myself to the world. Because all of my modeling careers were all getting filmed and publicly viewed on television. “Where is my sugarplum?” I asked Thom.

“She is in her room with Valerie, she is sleeping.” He told me.

I nodded and walked to go find Alana at the bar.

“Come take pictures with me” Alana said.

I went and we asked a random guy in front of us to take pictures.

When the after party was done at 4 AM, we went to our hotel room and slept.

I woke up it was about 4 PM. And Alana was still sleeping; I went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water, drank it and went to watch TV I turned on the channel were the modeling show was. I watched it for a long time and I looked at my phone and read the texts from last night.

From Antonio:

You did AMAZINGLY great babe!

From Antonio:

I now realize I called you babe, I wanted to say you did AMAZINGLY great Ally! Wish I was there with you, love you, and see you soon.

From my dad:

You did great baby girl, congratulation love you!

From Kayla:

I knew you could do it, I’m super happy for you. You were gorgeous. Hope you have fun.

From Kristopher:

You did absolutely great Ally. I am so proud of you. See you soon

From Liam:

You did absolutely great Ally. I am so proud of you. See you soon

From Ken:

You did absolutely great Ally. I am so proud of you. See you soon

From Ava:

Congrats honey! I’m so proud of you and Alana, wish I could be here with you. Btw the guy you modeled with was a complete hotty ;)

And I got texts from the rest of my friends.

I smiled as I read all of the texts. I didn’t understand when Kristopher, ken, Liam and Antonio said ‘see you soon’ were they coming today to see me for my birthday? And I know realized that ken, Kristopher and Liam had said the exact same thing.

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