Fresh From L.A. Pinelake, MN

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Ok so I think I'll upload every Saturday or Wednesday it depends on what's happening that day. But yeah so I don't know. I'll they to upload on one of those days but not promising. Kay, don't know what to do now so here we go...


Sky's POV

"You're miss Brooks right?" Says the mysterious man in front of me. Let call this man suits because he's wearing a suit.

Suits looks like he's in his mid-twenties or in his thirties. He looks good too. He has hair that looks like it has been touched by an angel. Just SO soft and chocolatey. His eyes are striking blue. Like the pacific back home. His chin has stubbles that looks hot on his face.

But, of corse, I'm a little too young to have him but that doesn't stop me to admire him.

"Yep, but you can call me Sky."

"Well Sky-"

God, his voice is so sexy.

"I've got a text from your mother that says that she won't come today but tomorrow, is this correct?"

"Yep, she overslept"

"So, may I take your bags?"

He said "may". My thoughts went strait to this morning and what Dylan said. The pit in my stomach felt trapped. Like trying to hold in the fact that I want to cry.

But, I will not give in.


We walked to the limo and he put the bags in the seat while I was getting in.

"So Sky, where would you like to go?"

"Can we go home to drop the stuff off?"

"Okay, afterwards where would you like to go?"

"What's the best place to go shopping at?"

"All the teenage girls like to go to 'The Hot Apple"."

The Hot Apple sounds a lot like a food place. I don't think it's anything like Hollywood & Highland but we can try. Besides, if all the girls go there, it has to be good, shouldn't it?

"So, you know where it is?"

"Of corse I do."

"Kay well we'll go then"

"Alright, so are you ready to see your new home?"

"Ready as Ill ever be."

"Alright, but it's out of town so it might take a while."

"Oh, okay."


When he said "out of town" I didn't think "Country Life out of town", I thought this was going to be a mansion but no, it's a farm. A farm with animal already living there. So, I have to live right next to animals?

"So, this is our house?" I said with a little annoyance in my voice

"Well, it's not that bad. You'll get used to it fast, you'll see. You just got to find something that will balance all of it out."

"Kay fine, I'll give it a try." Nope, I'd like to reject it before it hurts me.

The limo comes to a stop and I get out of the car. I look around and I see some cows. I also see pigs, chickens, ducks, lamb, turkey, and...


Horses are one of my favorite animals EVER. My mom got me a pony for my fifth birthday but my dad came home drunk one night and shot it. He said that he thought it was "bear" but when he wasn't drunk he always fought with mom about it. Saying that I would just get spoiled and that I'll just depend on my parents for everything, which is true and not true. Sometimes I'll act a little spoiled, but I worked for most of my money back at home.


I already miss home. After that 4 hour flight, and the 15 minute drive here, I still can't get home out of my mind. I can't walk to the beach no more. I can't tan all year round. I don't have any friends here. I can't-

"So are you going to see your room and put your stuff away or what are you doing?"


"I'll go. Put my stuff away."

"Okay, so are we still going to The Hot Apple?"

"Yeah, just lemme go do this okay?"

"I'll be waiting."

I went inside the house and it was not what I expected. Everything there didn't look like this was a farm. It looked like a real house in the city but better. Everything was so modern and luxurious that I forgot I'm in Pinelake and not L.A.


Was the only thing that could come out of my mouth. I went upstairs to my new room and I loved everything about it. It had a beautiful view of the sunset that was coming down, huge windows, cute wallpaper, and a big fluffy bed. All what a girl could ask for. I loved it.

I put my stuff away and I ran downstairs, out the door and to the limo to....

Suits, I don't know his name yet?

"Hey, um whats your name?"

"'Bout time you asked...Nate."

"Well let's go...Nate."


So when went back to town and got to "The Hot Apple". The store was pretty cool. I got some high waisted shorts and a crop top. I also got some converse heels and a lot of other stuff. Then I saw a magazine that was for the YMCA. I grabbed it and paid for all my stuff.

On the way home, I looked at the magazine and I saw that the swimming team sign up starts tomorrow. Over at L.A., I was the best swimmer on the team, so I'll try here. There's so much that I need to sign up for. Like I could sign up for dance, gymnastics, basketball, volleyball, book club, soccer, tennis, boxing, karate, and lots more. But I think I'll just stick with three things. Swimming, Dance, and Boxing. Those are the top three things I'm best at.

When we get home it's already dark. So I go upstairs and I shower. After that I go put on my pjs and I sit down on my bed to watch reruns of Pretty Little Liars. After 3 episodes, I suddenly get very tired so I turn off the tv and tuck myself in my bed. Well for my first day it's not so bad, but I miss everyone. I still need to properly say goodbye to Addie. I just hope tomorrow will be better.


......ohh but it will Sky, just you wait. Hey so thank you for reading and yeah. So I really like the next part because it's going to have a Blake's POV!!!!! YAY!!!! you'll get to see whats in his messed up mind (it's not that messed up). Ohh FUN FACT Addie's full name is Adalyn Indigo Taylor. Got to go now because I only got 4% left on my iPad and even though I want to start on the next chapter, it will need to wait until tomorrow. BYE!!!!!!

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