Chapter 1 - Introduction

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I slipped my phone into my back pocket and pulled out a cigarette, I had just got off the phone with my boyfriend, Ashley and was now standing outside having a smoke with my best friend. I placed the fag delicately in my mouth and patted my pockets down for a lighter, I forgot it back in the apartment and I couldn't be bothered to go back up and get it now. By then I might as well of smoke in my room.

Andy, the best friend cleared his throat and put his hand out flat, I rolled my eyes and reached for another cigarette, whilst he reached for his neon yellow lighter. He took the single cigarette from my hand and put it in his mouth. He gently took my chin and hovered the lighter against the end of the fag. I inhaled deeply as he shielded his cigarette with his cupped hand and lit his.

"What's the plans?" I asked, removing the red lip-stick stained cigarette but from my mouth and blowing the smoke out of my lungs.

"I was thinking a movie night,"  Andy responded almost instantly "I'll buy snacks and a new movie for us to watch,"

"We did that last year, we could go to a party for once but no 'it can only be me and you'" I mocked, laughing and rocking my hips side to side. I placed the fag back in my mouth and let it hang loosely off my lips. I shivered, it was that point in February where there was no frost or snow but simply biting cold air and a completely empty atmosphere that is left behind at night.

This week we were going to celebrate our fifth year of being best friends, we always had a little anniversary celebration, sometimes Andy's fans would make some edits or fan art for us but this year I wanted it to be big and special, but I had no time to organise a party. And plus, he didn't like anniversary parties. 

"I told you," Andy laughed at me, his voice deep and chainsaw-like "you should have brought a hoodie"

"What does it look like I'm wearing, dickweed!" I tutted, pulling on the fabric of my jumper.

"A sleeveless hoodie? And you were the one that chose to smoke outside," We finished our cigarettes and put them out on the street.

We went back inside, we had a busy day ahead of us and we hardly got any sleep after binge-watching Netflix last night, drinking beer and eating bottomless snacks. I had a date with Ashley so I changed my top to a more smart-casual jumper and got a lift from Andy.

The whole car ride there, Andy and I sung random songs on his playlist and played a game we call 'yellow mini' where you punch each other as hard as you can when you see a Mini Cooper or a yellow car, if you see a yellow Mini, then you get to hit the opponent three times. The winner is the person with fewer bruises. I won of course.

Andy dropped me off at the restaurant around the corner of our apartment, Ashley was waiting outside.

"Oh my god, intense game of yellow car?" He looked my arm up and down, I had rolled my sleeves up earlier so Ashley could see the blue and purple blotches on my arm.

"How did you guess? Totally not the bruises on my arm..." I turned around and laughed at Andy, but he didn't laugh back, he just clenched the steering wheel and glared at Ashley with a fiery rage in his blue irises. I didn't think much of it until he sped off, clearly angry.

"What's up with him?" Ashley looked at me and I shrugged. I just wanted to get this day over with.

After we left the restaurant with our hands in each other's back pocket as such lovebirds we were, I continued with my schedule. Ashley and I got the bus to Andy's old apartment and got his black and white cat, Crow.

"I can't wait for our anniversary," Ashley grinned, I loved that smile so much.

"Neither can I," I sighed, I was in love, I have been in love for almost four years and I knew he was the one from the moment I met him.

As we approached the apartment the feel was very eerie. It was quiet- too quiet. I unlocked the door and let Crow out of my arms to sniff around. I looked around the apartment, Andy was at the kitchen counter, hunched over with a half-empty beer bottle in his hand.

"Andy, are you drunk?" I crept up behind him, trying not to make him angry, he is like the hulk. You wouldn't like him when he's angry.

"So what if I was?!" He turned, slurring on his words and swinging the beer bottle around.

"You need to drink some water and go to bed," I groaned, placing my hands on his forearms and pulling him towards his bedroom door.

"It's still early!" Andy looked like a toddler having a tantrum, flailing his arms around and wobbling his bottom lip.

"Andy be careful! You'll spill the beer!" I yelled, trying to reach for the glass bottle in his hand. Andy looked at me with a mischevious glint in his eye and he tipped the bottle upside down. The alcoholic liquid poured out onto the kitchen tiles. I gasped.

"Oops?" He laughed. I shook my head and placed my handbag down on the counter.

"You're such a dick when you're drunk, go to bed," I demanded, pointing towards his bedroom door. He whined and threw the bottle at the living room wall. I screamed I was startled easily, especially by loud noises.

"Fine." He growled and went to his room, leaving me to clean up his mess and feed his cat.


This story was dedicated to my friend instynct since she is just an amazing editor and makes awesome fan edits for her subscribers on youtube (theworldsagun) ;) 

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