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babybea: q&a abt girl meets world starting..... NOW #mayatellsall
498.7k retweets / 65k likes

username: is gmw getting picked up for another season ?!!?! #mayatellsall


babybea: sadly, no :,(

username2: are u still friends with the cast? #mayatellsall


babybea: of course. i love them all sm

JensenAckles: when is my baby sis coming to visit me #mayatellsall


babybea: this is about gmw not u get out jay

username3: rucas or lucaya ?? #mayatellsall


babybea: rilaya 4 life @RowanBlanchard luv u bby

Zendaya: k.c. undercover or girl meets world #mayatellsall


babybea: hannah montana

username4: are u and @TomHolland1996 close friends ?? #mayatellsall


babybea: i'm only friends w/ tommo bc he lets me babysit tessa lol

username5: what was ur fav thing about playing maya #mayatellsall


babybea: everything. it was the best times i ever had playing maya

babybea: alrighty that's all for tonight. thanks for the questions! bye guys #mayatellsall
234.4k retweets / 134.9k likes
yikes! this took forever to write/edit and it ain't even that good lol

just a filler cause i'm tryna pull my crap together and get this story on the road lolol

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