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zenSLAYa 🔥
hannah montana
i have been betrayed
by my own friend
i am hurt
i am offended

bee-trice 🐝
z calm down
u know i love u

zenSLAYa 🔥
yeah ik
sometimes i like to be dramatic

bee-trice 🐝
i know
trust me

zenSLAYa 🔥

tom and haz say hithey made me climb on this roof and take a pic of them with the stupid thing

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tom and haz say hi
they made me climb on this roof and take a pic of them with the stupid thing

bee-trice 🐝
least you've got a nice view

zenSLAYa 🔥
ik what u meant ;))))

bee-trice 🐝
shut up


zenSLAYa 🔥 created the group 'skyline more like guyline 🤔😉'

zenSLAYa 🔥 added bee-trice 🐝 to the group

zenSLAYa 🔥 added webster dictionary 🕷 to the group

zenSLAYa 🔥 added side hoe haz 😩 to the group

side hoe haz 😩
why can't i change my name

webster dictionary 🕷
pls leave me alone

zenSLAYa 🔥
i wanna go get food
and bea still hasn't met haz

bee-trice 🐝
i'm busy hoe

side hoe haz 😩
tom can pay

webster dictionary 🕷
haz cmon mate smh

zenSLAYa 🔥
i want pizza

bee-trice 🐝
do y'all not care that i'm busy ??

zenSLAYa 🔥
not really no

side hoe haz 😩

webster dictionary 🕷
i'm still confused as to what we're doing

zenSLAYa 🔥
ur ordering pizza for us all

bee-trice 🐝
guys I CANT !!!!!!
i've got jj for the week while jay is at his panel

side hoe haz 😩
who ????

bee-trice 🐝
my niece jj

webster dictionary 🕷
her big bro is jensen ackles
u know that guy from supernatural ??
yeah him

zenSLAYa 🔥
well ig we can come to ur place then
i haven't seen jj in forever

bee-trice 🐝
well jay is gonna be here later with jared and misha so bring enough for them

webster dictionary 🕷
so we're talking how many pizzas here ????

zenSLAYa 🔥
prolly like ten

side hoe haz 😩
sry for volunteering u tom

webster dictionary 🕷
yeah me too haz 🙄
we'll meet at ur place in an hour bea

bee-trice 🐝

side hoe haz 😩
wait so not only am i meeting bea for the first time but i'm also meeting the main cast of supernatural ???????
is this real life ????

possibly an irl chapter next

also haz is me at the end lolol

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