phone call

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bold is haz
italics is tom
underlined italics is bea

hey mate. what's up?

not much. i just wanted to call and say that i'm going to be staying at bea's tonight. too long of a drive back home

okay. is bea with you right now?

yeah she is

put it on speaker please

haz don't say something you're going to regret

i won't

hey haz

i'm happy for you, bea. i know it didn't seem like it at first, but i really am. i want you to be happy. and if being with tom makes you happy, that's fine with me


i wanted to tell you that i'm actually going on a date tonight. i didn't want any rumors to fly or anything, so i figured i'd tell you beforehand

you didn't have to do that haz

i wanted to

mate, you don't know how much this means to us

i never wanted to hurt you in any way. tom and i just happened, or else i probably would have warned you. haha


if you need me to stay out of the house tomorrow, i can. like, is she spends the night or something

oh my gosh tom

no mate i think i'll be okay

i'm taking this off speakerphone now

alright. bye bea

bye haz

thank you so much haz. seriously

it's no problem man. i feel like such a terrible person for stuff i said to bea during and after our breakup. please make sure she knows that tom

i will haz. good luck on your date

thanks man. i've got to finish getting ready, so i'll talk to you later

alright. i don't wanna have any kids running around so be careful


gotta go bea is gonna kill me

alright bye man

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