Chapter Thirty Five // Guns

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Steve and I had driven Cherry home last night after everything that had happened. 

My mind kept drifting back to the kiss that we had shared, and what it had meant. 

I really didn't feel something, but it felt weird to kiss somebody who wasn't Johnny for the first time. I was just happy that it was with someone that I trusted, and someone who would keep their mouth shut about it. 


I walked into the living room, looking for Steve and Dally.

They were both sitting on the couch, extremely close to each other, whispering quietly.

"Hey guys," I started. The jumped away from each other, their eyes wide. 

Something is going on with those two, I just don't know what, I though to myself. 

"What's going on, Pony?" asked Steve, refusing to look me in the eye. I sat down on the arm chair. 

"I need your guys' help," I said. They glanced at each other. 

"Look man, I don't know what you saw, but it's not what it looks like-," started Dallas. I cut him off, not wanting to hear his excuses.

"You guys know Bob, Cherry's boyfriend?" I asked. They both nodded.

"What about that ugly sleaze bag?" asked Steve. Dal chucked.

"He's been beating her, and I want to get even with him," I stated, giving them a devilish grin. They gasped.

"Is she alright, Ponyboy? God damn, why didn't you say something sooner?" exclaimed Dally, standing up. I could see anger written across his face.

"I didn't know till yesterday. She told me everything," I shot back. Dally calmed down a little bit.

"Well, what do you want us to do?" Steve asked. I could see a gleam in his eyes. He hated Bob with a passion, and he finally had a reason to beat the shit out of him. 

I whispered my plan in their ears.


We stepped outside of the house late at night, ready to go get Bob. We were all dressed in black, careful not to be seen. 

We all got into Steve's car carefully, situating ourselves.

"So, do you know where to find Bob?" asked Steve. I nodded. 

"Yeah, yeah. Cherry told him to meet her down by the river. Little does he know, he's gonna get us instead," I replied. Steve nodded, and began to drive.

"So," started Dally. "Why did he start beating on her? I knew he was a slime bag, but I didn't expect him to be abusive."

I sighed. 

"Can y'all keep a secret?" I asked. Steve looked at me in the rear view mirror, and Dally nodded. 

"You know we can keep our mouths shut, Pony," Steve shot back. His southern accent was heavier than ever.

I took a deep breathe.

"Bob caught Cherry kissing Marcia, and he wanted to make her pay. He's been beating her so hard that she got s- scared," I said, tearing up, thinking about my poor friend. 

"Are you meaning to tell us that Cherry and Marcia are..together?" questioned Steve, trailing off. He had slowed down the car quite a bit. 

"Yes. No. Ugh, I don't know. Cherry likes her a lot though," I replied. "Are you guys cool with it?"

They both nodded.

"Love is love," mumbled Dally.

Him and Steve looked at each other with a faint smile, completely forgetting that I was there. 

Steve reached out and touched Dallas' shoulder, before turning away and continuing to drive. 

What is going on between those two? I asked myself. 


I stepped out of the car with Steve and Dally, holding something in my back pocket. 

Bob was never going to expect it. 

He was sitting near the river, looking up at the sky. 

If he wasn't suck a massive dick, maybe I would've felt bad for his sorry ass.

I walked up behind him, and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Who the hell are you?" he asked, glaring at us. It was dark, so our features were almost unrecognizable.

"Why have you been beating my friend Cherry Valance, you sicko?" I growled. His mouth fell open. 

"I- I don't know what you're talking about!" he exclaimed. I clenched my fists, glancing back at Steve and Dally.

"Don't lie to me, you piece of shit!" I spat. He blinked, and then smirked.

"It isn't any of your business how I treat my slut of a girlfriend! She's been kissing girls! She's a dyke! I'm just trying to fix her!" he yelled. I stepped closer. 

"Don't you dare call her a slut or a dyke!" I screamed back.

I swung at him, my hand connecting with his face. 

"Oh, you asked for it, you bitch!" yelled Bob. He started hitting me back. 

He pulled out a knife. 

I looked at Steve and Dally, signalling for them to pull out our big surprise.

Steve and Dallas pulled out two guns, pointing them straight at him. 

"What the fuck!" he screamed, backing up. I smiled, and walked closer to him. 

"You have two options; leave Cherry alone and live, or bother her one more time and get shot!" I exclaimed. I could see the fear in his eyes. 

"Fine, fine! I'll leave her alone!" he replied. I bit my lip, getting closer to him again.

He stepped backwards, and fell into the river. 

We ran back to the car. 


"Aw, man! That was great you guys!" I exclaimed. They laughed in the back seat. 

"I can't believe that he thought it was loaded!" laughed Steve. Dally shook his head.

The thing was, Dally had taken two unloaded guns from Buck's. Even if we wanted to shoot him, we couldn't.

He had practically pissed his pants when he saw the guns. 

"Three cheers to us for getting rid of an annoying shithead like Bob!" yelled Dally. 

We all smiled ear to ear.


I picked up the phone in the kitchen, and dialed Cherry's number. 

It rang a few times. 

"Hello?" asked a female voice. I could already tell it wasn't Cherry.

"Yeah, hi. Is Cherry around? This is Ponyboy Curtis," I stated. I heard a giggle. 

"Oh, hi Ponyboy! This is Marcia. I'll go get Cherry," she replied. I smiled wide.

So, they were spending time together? I wonder what that means...

"Hello?" I heard Cherry say.

"Hey, Cherry. I took care of Bob. He shouldn't bother you again," I stated. She gasped.

"Oh, Ponyboy! Thank you so much!" she squealed. I smiled.

"You know I'd do anything for you."


I walked back into the living room, when I heard some heavy breathing.

On the couch was Steve and Dally.

But, they weren't just sitting...

"What the fuck?" I exclaimed loudly.

They both pulled away swiftly. 

"So..I guess we have some explaining to do.." started Steve. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, so if I were you, I'd start talking.."

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