Chapter 12. Lucy

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"So, tell me. How was it? Did youse kiss? Did youse do it? Did he say he likes you?"



"We didn't do anything." Lucy sat cross legged on her side of the bed, and I sat cross legged on Larry's side. Everyone knows, ever since they both met, they both instantly knew they liked each other. I could tell from their body language to how they spoke around each other, it was obvious.

"You do make a cute couple though." I smiled, knowing it would annoy her. I liked being the childish one, just like she is to me and Ryan.

"Ughhhh will you shush, we don't go out." She threw her head back with a growl. I snickered, laughing at how serious she was. Lucy is never serious, so I know they're dating because she's being arsey about it. "We don't date, end of."

"You suuuuree?" I shimmied my shoulders making her soften up.

"Yes. He said that he doesn't think it's right, just yet."

"Oh." I was wrong. However, "Lucy, you do know 'yet' means he likes you but he doesn't want to tell you because he's shy when around you, which is bizarre since youse are really loud together.." I quickly rambled on making her jaw drop at the amount of information I knew just from a single sentence.

"No. I don't believe you." She now smiled at the thought of Larry liking her back, more that just friends. I mean, come on, for the past months, they've been flirting non stop, so I think it's about time.

"You just wait..he's gunna ask you on this tour, I bet you." I giggled enthusiastically, shaking her arms, making her body go all floppy because she was so excited.

"I doubt it." She huffed.

"Fucking hell Lucy, stop being so pessimistic man. Smile. He fucking adores you man, be happy!" I brought her into a big warm inviting hug as she accepted and tightly hugged me back.

For this, I knew Lucy wasn't feeling herself, she didn't feel as if she was good enough, as though people (fans) would judge her if she dated him, people would know as he is very popular amongst the fans. She was scared and I knew how that felt, like I did back at the airport. Feeling insecure is the worst thing: it drags you down and beats at you until you're nothing. I juxtaposed Lucy as a hard, boisterous shell on the outside, yet a soft, small, helpless creature on the inside. Without help or stability, she was hopeless.

"I'm just scared." Her voice began to quaver and shake as he head fitted tightly to my chest.

"There's nothing to be scared about. If he loves you and you love him then that's all that matters." I stroked her back, letting her know that I'm here for her, whenever she needs me.

"I'm like nothing compared to his ex." She sniffles and pulled away from the hug, wiping her nose and her eyes with the cuff of her jacket.

His ex? I never knew Larry had a girlfriend.

"What?" I asked, surprised.

"That's what I said. She tried to talk to him but he ignored her and tried to talk to me. He told her to fuck off but she never left and when I went to the loo, she threatened me and told me to stay away." Her eyes still streaming with tears, she hugged me forcefully.

"What is she doing in Boston anyway?" I asked curiously, and I continued to comfort her.

"I don't know. That's what I said and she didn't say anything, she walked out."

"What a bitch. Wait until I see her.." it got me mad how my best friend was getting picked on by a snobby ex who things she's too good for any guy she meets. "Next time you go out, I'm coming, ok?"

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