Chapter 27. Van

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As much as I loved Van, I couldn't forgive him. I told him to leave and stay back at his place along with all of the boys. Larry had to stay because Lucy wouldn't let him leave (she was so choked up, I forgot to ask Larry what's wrong with her.)

It was now a week before the tour and I was due back at the hospital in a couple of days to reveal the gender of my baby.

"Can I speak with you?" Larry asked as I laid in my bed, aimlessly watching The Little Mermaid, the cot resting next to it. I nodded, feeling that I had missed his company. I picked the wrong guy. I'd say my room wasn't as messy as Lucy's but would somewhat be similar.

"Lucy didn't want to tell you." Larry sat himself onto my bed and I paused the film. He sounded as if he had swallowed his tongue and I scanned his face. Puffy eyes, messed up hair, runny nose? Something's not right.

"Tell me what?" I asked sitting up and I saw the tears build in his eyes. They sat there for a second before Larry blinked them out and he spoke, sounding like he was loosing his voice or had no voice at all.

"Lucy..she's had a miscarriage."


"You're-I, what?" I was speechless, I didn't know what to say or how to respond other than jump from my bed and rush into her room to see dried tears down her face. She looked as if she hadn't slept a wink and that the floor could swallow her up that very second. Despite our argument, she was still my close friend.

"No, Luna." She pulled away from my warm hug and huddled herself into a ball on the bed.

"I'm trying to be nice to you?" I was surprised at how she declined my comfort. She had never done that before.

"'Trying'. Doesn't look like it." She mumbled as she held her legs to her chest.

"Lucy if you're going to be like this then I'll just leave." I did actually want to help her this time, let my shoulder be the one she could cry on.

"Leave then, just like you made the others." Lucy's tone made me clench my fists. Why was she being a bitch all of a sudden?

I walked out instead of causing an argument and Larry still remained at on my bed.

"Not having it?" Larry asked, knowing exactly what she was going to be like.

"Yeah but I don't see why." I sighed, laying back down on to the bed.

"She has just lost her baby, Luna."

"I know but I mean her attitude, I was just trying to be nice to her?" It was now coming clear to me that she didn't like me as much as I didn't like her and I now saw that we were both probably going to go out separate ways.

Larry wondered back into Lucy's room and left me to gather my thoughts. If Lucy went, that would mean Larry too, so I'd have no one apart from myself and my baby. I mean what can I say? That would be perfect for me to travel, like I wanted to when it's born.

The days went by faster than I expected and I still hadn't fixed my relationship with Van after what he did. Well watching Disney movies all day isn't going fix anything, is it Luna? I hate myself for being so lazy and laid back with how everything is mapping out, I need to fix things, but they can wait right? I've got my baby to think about.

I said bye to Larry and Lucy and told them I wouldn't be too long at the hospital before I'd come back and cook them some food or something.

"Where you goin'?" A broad accent spoke, scaring the life out of me. I looked up as I unlocked the car to see Van stood, leaning on the fence, dressed in a white button up, tucked into some black skinnies, matched with some blue reflective ray bans (despite the sun being anywhere but Llandudno.) A cigarette hanging in his lip as he talked.

"To the hospital." I replied. I might as well tell him where I was going since arguing was not on the top of my list today. I opened the car door, only for it to be shut in front of my eyes.

"I'm not letting you drive." He stubbornly kept his hand to the window of the door, keeping it closed.

"Ryan, get off the car."

"I'm not letting you drive." He repeated, the cigarette still hanging at his lips.

"Fine." I sighed, holding the car keys with my index finger and thumb, letting them drop into his hand, I removed the branded fag from his mouth and I placed it in between my lips. He watched with a chuckle as I walked around to the passengers side, taking a drag before extinguishing it onto the floor with my foot.

"You getting in or what?" I asked as he still looked in shock. I tapped on the window and he opened the door and slipped into the car, slowly fastening his seat belt. It was a bit awkward. Not speaking or see each other for 3 days is longest we've gone (apart from tour) but from an argument?

"'ve you been?" I had never witnessed a shy Van before. I looked through the gap between the shades and his eyes. They were puffy and had big bags underneath. "You know, our baby an' all."

"Good. Not felt her move since.." I went to say before me and him argued but I didn't want to bring up that, so I stopped myself.

"Her? We're having a girl?" I saw his eyebrows raise above his glasses through his long, brown, shiny locks.

"No, I don't know yet. I'm finding out today." I shrugged as he played around with the radio, settling onto a station, he twisted the volume button. I recognised the was mine and Van's song. Lemonworld.

"Oh, ok." He mumbled, nodding, satisfied and we both remained quiet for the rest of journey.

"Let me do the talking." I warned Van before we reached the receptionist to book myself in, since I know that once he begin talking he doesn't stop. He followed my command and did actually not say a word, until we got into the examining room. He wouldn't stop gasping every time the nurse pointed out a hand or a foot. He questioned everything right from "why do you have to put jelly on her?" to "do you know what gender our baby is yet?"

He wouldn't stop yapping on until the nurse finally cheered,

"It's a little girl!"

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