Chapter 1

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I'm currently laying on my bed watching tv with my best friend, Jake. He is the person I can tell all of my problems and feelings to. He's been my best friend ever since we where in elementary and I can't stand being away from him because he is my everything. I love him so much and I know he loves me too even though he doesn't tell me... But his brother Logan is the only one that knows that I have feelings for Jake. Logan is a great friend too but we are not connected as much as I'm with Jake. I'm Tessa and this is my crazy/boring life.

I have my own apartment but I usually stay at the Paul brothers house(Jake and Logan). Only if I'm too tired to go back home and if it's too late night. Jake and Logan are famous on social media and are known for being them selves and for being funny on YouTube. So I've pretty much gained some kind of recognition because of them. Most of their fans know me as "Dat one pretty girl from their videos". But what I hate about the girls at my school is that most of them start talking to me because of the Paul brothers. So it's difficult for me to know who to trust and who not to trust now a days... But of course it happens all the time

"Wake up!","We need to go to school hurry up Tessa!"... A voice tells me and I groan. They removed my bed covers and poured a glass of water on my face. I jumped out of my bed terrified and see Jake on the ground laughing his butte off. "Boiii" I tell him and head to the bathroom.I take a quick shower to relax with the water hitting my body. I rap a towel around my body and walk out of the bathroom. Right when I was about to unwrap the towel to get dressed I hear someone clearing their throat and I turn around to see Jake. I held the towel tighter to my body to prevent it from slipping off my wet body. "What are you doing here?!" yell at him while he stares at my body. "Hello!, Jake wake up" I tell him waving my hand in front of his face to catch his attention "huh? oh yeah, um I'll drive us to school because the bus isn't coming today, so be ready in 10" he says and I just nod my head at him.

Once we entered the school Jake and I went our separate ways. As I'm about to go to class I get stopped by the "beauty queen" the most popular girl from school, the one and only Lele(No hate I love her but I don't know any other name to use). Lele and her dolls just stared at me I rolled my eyes and asked what they want. "Well I thought since me and you are great friends I would ask you for a big huge favor" she says while twirling her hair. Is this girl high or something?. How are we great friend if she only talks to me once a month. "What favor?" I ask. I'm just curious to see what she wants me to do for her again. "Arrange me a date with Jake Paul" she tells me and my eyes shot wide open.

"There's no way I'm doing that!" I tell her, "But why?" she asks. "Because it's his personal life and I'm not gonna get involved in it, if he wants to be with you he will ask you". She replies with "Is that the reason or is it because you have a crush on him?! And that if he finds out that I like him you won't get a chance with him". Her dolls laugh. "Haha very funny, but no, I'm not gonna tell Jake who to date it's his life so stop asking" I say and try to go past her but she grabs my arm. "Either you tell him to go out with me, or the whole school finds out that you like Jake and that he doesn't like an ugly girl like you" she tells me while looking into my eyes with a lot of anger and frustration written all over her face.

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