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[Soon Hee]

" so tell me what's going on?" His voice was clipped and it makes the atmosphere more tense. Nobody said a word, I was looking down while Young Jae and Hoseok was looking everywhere but the teacher.

The silence was long and eerie and was only broken by the sudden outburst of the door revealing Jae In who has been missing in action for some reason.

"What's going on?!!" We all heard her loud shrilly voice this time twice louder.

She looked at me and how I wanted to cry seeing her face but of course I didn't. Then she went straight to Youngjae and Hoseok slapping both their heads.

"Aww!!" They utter in unison.

"Yah Jang Jae In, if you don't want to join their suspension then I suggest you leave the room, I believe you take no part in this" the teacher cut in. Did I really heard it right? Did he just say suspension?

No. This can't be happening.

"What?! Suspended?! That's unfair Lee~seongsaengnim"  Hoseok retorted.

"Then why did you two created a scene in the hallway? No one is telling me anything so I take it that you guys wanted the suspension" he answered as a matter of explanation.

"Of course not! And that's totally unfair! Last week the the Bang twins almost killed that weakling on the field and you didn't suspend them! You can't do this to us" Hoseok still whining like a kid. He silently budged Youngjae's arm whispering for help. Youngjae stayed silent though.

I have Jae in beside me now looking grim. Her brows crossed and she seem to me like someone ready to hit anyone at any moment.

"We just had a little argument sir! We're at the verge of our youth and this is something normal among growing boys. Come on, I'm sure you went through this yourself!" Hoseok was still rambling.

I almost face palmed. He's exaggerating like always.

"Yah! Jung Hoseok!" Jae in tried warning him and he mouthed "what?" To us.

" I'm sorry Lee seongsaengnim" Young jae who had been silent all this time suddenly spoke so we were all looking at him.

"This wouldn't happen ever again" he said seriously and the teacher nodded to his direction.

"Alright, I'll let both of you slip this time" he said but now he's looking at me all seriously and it made my heart go for 150 beat per second!

I was silently chanting "don't look at me don't look at me don't look at me" over and over ever since we entered this room but I guess my mantra didn't work. Nothing is working anymore!

"You, tell me who you are" he said almost casually but it still sounded scary to me.

"She's the new transfer student from our class sir!" Jae In quickly replied in a desperate attempt to save me.

"Don't you think I should know if we have any transfer student? Now shut up and let her answer"

This is one of the few moments when I really want to evaporate and disappear into thin air. I learned once during science class that water changes from liquid to vapor thus evaporating into thin air. I'd do anything just to be a water and evaporate right this moment.

"my name is Kang Soon Hee" i said hoping that my voice was loud enough to be heard. I think something's blocking my throat.

"you're not a student of this school" he wasn't asking. It was a statement. A statement of a bitter truth. I just nodded.

I realized that my only way out of this is by saying the truth and hopefully he isn't as mean as how he looks and let me go. Let us all go. So i gathered all courage that I have if i can even call it that and heaved a big sigh.

"Yes sir, i am not a student of this school. In fact i am out of school so I asked my friends here to sneak me in sometimes so I can do some self study in the library. I mean no harm sir, I just--

I'm almost in tears. Saying all this things makes it more difficult thinking about the situation that I am in right now. This might be my last time in this school if ever he let me out of this.

"I just wanted to learn" i finished

I stood up and bowed my head in sincere apology.

"I'm sorry sir, it's all my fault"

We heard nothing for around 30 seconds and it seems to me like an hours worth already.

"Raise your head" he said "I'll let all you off for today but if any of this happens again you what will happen then"

"Way to go seongsaengnim! Yah! You really are the best!" It was Hoseok clapping his hands like an idiot.

"Enough" he said and he was already shooing us out of the room "get out now"

"Arasso!" Hoseok cheerfully replied as if nothing just happened.

I was so relieved i think I was able to breath properly after that moment. It might be sad that i can no longer come back here but I am glad that Youngjae and Jae in were not punished. I don't think i can ever forgive myself if ever they get into any trouble because of this.

I was the last to walk out of the room but before that Lee seongsaeengnim asked me a question easily answerable by yes or no but the answer has never been an option.  Not to me.

"Do you want to go back?"

I smiled. Bowed my head and followed them out. I'm not sure if he understand what that smile means but that doesn't really matter now, does it?

They were bickering now and its louder with Jae In around. She's blaimjng Hoseok for everything that has happened and Hoseok was of course defending himself.

"Why are you putting all blame on me?! Youngjae gave the first hit and i wasn't able to hit him back either!" He retorted.

"If you didn't show up there all this shouldn't have happened!" That was Jae In. Youngjae was still staying silent while i was walking behind them.

"Yah! I am the victim here don't you see this" he said pointing the corner of his mouth. He got the corner of his lip a cut but instead of symphatizing Jae In smacked his head once again.

"Yah! No one dies with that! Stop overreacting"

"Waaah, you really are something aren't you"

"Stop it you two, at least we got out of it that's what is important now" I stopped them trying my best to sound okay.

"It's my fault" Youngjae suddenly stopped walking and had his head down. He had his fist clenched and i can't see his face but i understand enough how he is feeling right now.

I reached for his clenched fist. I removed it from being clenched and his hands actually turned red because of how hard he was clenching them.

"Look at me" I told him and he did. I see myself in his eyes mirrored clearly.

"This is no one's fault okay, it's bound to end anyway. Let's just say this is the end of this so stop blaming yourself" he still looks sad.

"Mianhe" he whispered and I just nodded and smiled at him.

"Its okay"

All things are just bound to end. Its just that some of them ends at an unlikely time but I'm pretty sure that all these happened for a reason. I just have to believe that this is for the best.

Well i guess that's just it for me.

To be continued...

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