Chapter 1 part 2

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What is happening to me? Aliya was afraid to ask questions. As a doctor in training, she knew there were times that demanded action and times that required silence. Holding your tongue was always a good idea; she knew that for a fact. You're never sorry for the things you don't say.

Instead, she closed her eyes and frantically tried to think. Whatever else they have done to me, the gods have not deprived me of my ability to think.

She pushed to remember more of the accident. The truck was the last thing she saw. Her father yelled, then something hit her head, and her neck snapped. Then everything went black.

There was something in the darkness with me, but what was it? She didn't know. So, she began analyzing what she had learned from the nurse's assistant.

My Lady. She was obviously talking to Aliya, but ladies were all done away with in 1917, which was a mistake in Aliya's opinion. She would have to think about that later. For now, she was a Lady. Where in the world do people still talk like that? She had no idea.

She refocused. You've been lying here three days. After an accident like that, Aliya wouldn't be surprised if she'd been lying on her back in a coma for twenty years.

The healer had been there. What the hell kind of facility has healers instead of doctors and nurses? Even if I were in Africa, there would be Red Cross doctors, and this doesn't look like Africa. It's too cold, and the sky outside is gray. Healers aside, why did they wait for me to fight off my "malady" in the age of antibiotics? You just give your patient a mega-dose and watch the bacteria die off.

And what did the woman say about a little one? Did she mean a baby? Aliya had only slept with Alex a few times over the holidays, and they had been extremely careful. She wanted to finish medical school, and he was expecting to be promoted to major, so they wouldn't get married until they reached those targets. Plus, she had had her period several times since then, right on schedule. I would know if I were pregnant. So what "little one" is the woman talking about?

However, if she'd given birth that would explain the severe pain around her pelvis. But how is that possible?

Aliya had two imaginable explanations for everything. The first was simple. She walked away from the accident, got married, got pregnant and gave birth, and now, because of the stress of postpartum fever and clinical death, she had forgotten everything since the accident and would have to start all over again.

There was a second explanation, but it seemed beyond belief... Her roommate at medical school was a Tolkien freak. She was into role-playing games and believed in parallel worlds, and her half of their room was littered with fantasy books and posters. Aliya knew how Ella would have explained these strange circumstances.

She would say I'm in a parallel world and have to find my way back. Aliyah shuddered at the thought. It defied all the logic instilled within her. And besides, if I am, indeed, in another world, I'll probably never find my way back! I'm much more likely to die a rapid death without antibiotics. Everything in this room is a potential germ factory—by the looks of it, the fancy cup I just drank out of has never been washed, and the old woman hasn't seen a bath in her lifetime.

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