Chapter 2, part 9

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Jess Earton—true earl, handsome devil, and warrior to boot—looked down at his sobbing child. He was lost as to what to do.

"Precious, don't cry. Sweetheart..."

The little girl cried even harder.

"Miranda Catherine Earton, stop the bawling this instant!"

It didn't help. In between blowing her nose and sobbing, the girl managed to say, "You're leaving me here, abandoning me."

Jess passed his hand through his hair. He adored his daughter. The six-year-old knew it and had him wrapped around her little finger. He had no choice, though. He couldn't take her with him. He would be busy with work, balls, tournaments, and intrigue. How can I take a child with me if I don't even know where I'll be sleeping at night?

When he suggested she stay with Lilian, Miranda became hysterical. It sounded like she might be choking. Jess was afraid, so he gave in. "Sweetie, you just have to stay at Earton over the winter. I'll come get you in the spring, all right?"

He didn't mention that at that moment, it was only the end of summer. Miranda kept crying, anyway. It took a long time to calm her down.

While he held her, in his mind, he composed a letter to Lilian. He had no love for his wife and considered her stupid and unpredictable, but he knew she wouldn't hurt the girl. His letter would warn her and maybe even frighten her a little. In the meantime, he tried to soothe his daughter.

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