Chapter 1 part 4

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Aliya didn't know anything about a Visa Hadson, but she assumed it was a person. She (or he) has a sheep, which makes her (or him) a person, right? The medicus (Is that a colleague? Why "medicus" instead of "doctor"?) is planning to stuff it and send it to the King's Museum of Curiosities, which makes no sense because if I'm still in Russia where I belong, there have always been tsars instead of kings.

"I raised you" (she must be a nanny or a wet nurse) "and I raised your father, too." Aliya was sure that her father had never had a nanny. He had grown up in an orphanage. "You want to go back to the earth as your mother did." But my mother is alive, and my father is just fine. At least, as far as she remembered after the accident.

In an instant, it all came together. She was in someone else's body in a completely different world. Apparently, I have a husband who is an earl and a royal jerk. Just what I need. So, my job was to give birth, and he doesn't care too much whether I live or not. He could find a new wife; earls are always in demand.

There wasn't much more she could deduce from what she had heard. Aliya made a decision. She could stay in bed as long as she liked, but judging from the sound of crying, there was at least one person in this world who loved her. If she got up, she could make this woman happy and perhaps learn some more about where she was.

Strangely enough, with that decision, her head was completely clear. Aliya opened her eyes and whispered, "Nanny."

That was enough. The old woman leaped from her stool like someone had poked her with a needle. She smiled with all eight of her teeth.

"Lily! My baby! How do you feel?"

Aliya dropped her eyelashes a bit. "It hurts. Talking hurts. Give me something to drink."

"Of course, right away, my dear," the woman began puttering around. "Right this minute, I'll mix you some water and wine. Or would you rather have milk? We have fresh milk from this morning."

"Just water," Aliya said. She felt like she hadn't eaten in a while, and milk might upset her empty stomach. Buttermilk would be just the thing, so she asked for some.

The woman smoothed the hair back from Aliya's face. "I'll start some buttermilk for you this very day! It will be ready tomorrow. For now, take a sip of this."

Aliya saw the gold cup with rubies flash in front of her eyes. She obediently drank the water with wine. Just a little, to keep it from going to her head. She looked up at the woman who handed it to her.

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