Chapter 4, part 1

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Morning came early the next day. She had left the curtains open on purpose, and the sun's first rays made it impossible to sleep. Lilian Earton's body protested, and its sore muscles whined, but Aliya was ruthless.

Time to get up! Don't like it? That's your problem. I've got exercises to do. Squats, push-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks, lunges.

She grabbed the first dress she saw in the closet. Aliya decided she would ask Martha to sew her a couple of simple dresses for every day. She would have preferred to wear nothing but an undershirt, which in 21st-century terms, was a plain shift dress that went to her ankles, but people would be shocked. She did, however, refuse the myriad petticoats and cotton pants as too much fabric for one woman to wear.

Martha appeared after Aliya had already managed to pull a dress over her head and was swearing at whoever decided that women's clothes should lace up the back. Without the bulky underclothes, Aliya no longer felt so huge.

"Good morning, Lily. How did you sleep?"

"Wonderful, Nanny. Could you help me with this?"

"But why were you doing it alone? I always help you." Aliya barely listened as her nanny went off on her favorite topic. "It doesn't fit for a lady... I can do everything for you... You shouldn't have to lift a finger..."

Good grief! Next thing I know, Martha will try to help me on and off the toilet.

She interrupted the old woman with a question. "Nanny, has Etor left?"

"Yes, he and his wife left as soon as it got light."

Aliya smirked to herself. "Did the people sell him a horse?"

"The boys from the village came back to see them off. I believe they knocked him around a little bit before they let him go."

"I hope it was more than a little bit."


"He had it coming. But that's enough of that. Back to cleaning. I won't live in this sty!"

"Lily, surely you exaggerate?"

"Can't you see it? This place is knee-deep in dirt everywhere I look! We've got some hard work ahead of us. At least ten days. Shall we get started?"

"But what about your breakfast?"

"I thought I fired the cook."

"You did, but you can always order..."

"None of that. Isn't Emma here yet? I'll send a carriage for her."

"Lily! You want to send your carriage for a peasant woman?"

"So what?"

"Even the doctor has never ridden in your carriage."

"Emma is much more intelligent than the doctor. I hope she found the people I asked her for."

The day before, Aliya had asked Emma to find two dozen women for the dirty job of cleaning the castle properly. She had no money for real repairs yet, but even a good cleaning would help.

"Who around here knows how to cook?" Aliya was perfectly capable of cooking for herself, but she didn't know how to use a wood-burning stove, and she was afraid she would look silly trying to learn.

"I suppose anyone can..."

"Perfect. Then have one of the girls cook something simple."


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