Chapter 3, part 2

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Aliya suddenly realized she had a big problem. She didn't know the prices for anything or how much she was paying the servants. Martha couldn't be much help—she had served Lilian her whole life and was almost a member of the family. She had never had a family of her own.

"Nanny, dear, are there any people in the village who aren't local? People who have traveled?"

Martha rubbed her forehead and replied that there was one woman named Emma Mattie who fit that description. She was the widow of the former Comptroller of the estate. She was from the city and knew a bit about life.

Aliya rubbed her hands together. That was exactly the person she needed. If the woman had been married to the estate Comptroller, then she couldn't be a fool. Or could she? It was too early to say.

"Nanny, how can I invite her to come talk with me?"

Martha thought for a moment and offered to run into the village. Aliya pondered the idea and decided to risk it. "Nanny, the servants can do the cleaning without us. Why don't I go into the village with you to see the Widow Mattie?"

"But Lily, why would you—" Martha began to object out of habit, but Aliya stopped her with a raised hand.

"I just need to. Let's go."

"Should I order the carriage?"

Martha left, and Aliya glanced around at the servants again. She wondered if she should say a few words before she left. Of course, I should!

"If any of you suppose that I'll forget what I've told you to do and that you can go back to your little games while I'm gone, be warned. I'll fire you without severance pay in a heartbeat." She realized that she was talking over their heads and corrected her error. "In other words, I'll lock you all in the stable! And I'll whip you for laziness! Is that clear?"

She really did sound like a commander. Aliya laughed to herself. I'll teach you to clean your boots in the evenings and put them on quick in the mornings.

She found it interesting that not a one of them seemed to think her behavior was strange.

Martha touched her elbow. Before she left, Aliya informed the servants that she would have them cleaning the floors with their tongues if they didn't hurry up.

Outside the front door, stood a piglet-pink carriage with gold trim. It was a rectangular wooden box on wheels, with nothing even reminiscent of shock absorbers. The windows were covered with something that looked like parchment and framed with pink curtains. That makes sense. If they don't have a good way to make glass, they won't waste it on carriage windows.

The four horses looked so tired that Aliya felt truly sorry for them. She loved horses and decided to give each of them a professional exam. Her discoveries were alarming.

"Why doesn't this horse have proper shoes?"

Two of the horses were each missing one horseshoe, the third had an abscess on its neck, and the fourth was breathing hard like it had a cold.

The groom, who was also the coachman, mumbled something about a hard life and some bad weather. Aliya measured him with a steely gaze. "Where is the nearest blacksmith?"

It turned out that the blacksmith worked in the village. They didn't have one at the castle. One more errand to run. She also wanted to buy herbs so she could put together some basic remedies. She wondered if there were any healers in the village.

With a sigh, Aliya turned to climb into the carriage. That was easier said than done. The carriage sat on wheels as high as her waist, and she couldn't lift her leg high enough to get in. Martha ran over carrying a stool. Somehow, Aliya shoved her body into the carriage, almost leaving her dress hanging on the door.

I absolutely have to get in shape.

Martha wanted to ride up front with the coachman, but Aliya waved her into the carriage. Her nanny was afraid to sit on the pink and gold velvet seat, but Aliya pulled her down.

"Stop being silly, Nanny."

"It isn't fitting for me..."

"Don't be ridiculous. You're closer to me than anyone else in this world, so I say it's fitting."

Martha grumbled something about undeserved honors, but Aliya just threw an arm around her neck and kissed her cheek. "Nanny, you mean more to me than my own mother."

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