Chapter 1: The Encounter

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  "i can't take it anymore Grillb, it's the same all over and over again, like hearing a endless song on a broken CD that echos in my empty skull, when will it end Grillb?" "Sans, i still don't know what you are talking about but i assure you that if you are patient, some golden heart will free you from the endless music." "I didn't expect him to know how i feel, he doesn't know about the resets, the torment i go through everyday...dealing with that monster... Chara...I guess the only thing that makes me feel better is the idea of drowning myself in a pool of ketchup... forgetting all that is happening. If only someone understood the pain i go through. " Hey Grillb, how about a bottle of ketchup for a welcoming friend huh?" I turned around to see a hooded person walking towards the bar, i could tell they were female since the tone of her voice was so clear. "ah (y/n) you have come back from that place already? how was it?" "Well it was hard at first but there senses came around so everything should be ready." "tell me all about it, grab a seat i'll get you a bottle of ketchup, its free this time." "sorry Grillby but i always pay for what i buy" "You always were a fair person, unlike a certain lazy bones who never pays." I knew he was talking about me and what can can I say, I'm too lazy to work to gain money to pay, its easier just to put it on my tap. "Come on Grillb, you know how busy i am with this and that." "Geez, he's almost as lazy as me." "well at least you pay tap." I noticed that the person was going to sit down, this was the perfect time to reveal the whoopee cushion that is hidden on the seat. But she didn't sit on it, instead she slides the chair knocking the chair that the monster was going to use. A huge grin spread on my face once i heard the fart noise that the whoopee cushion made once the monster sat on it. "Nice one but next time, try to prank someone who doesn't know that trick" " Heh sure thing" "so (y/n), how was your journey back?" "well let me tell you this Grillby, i'm just happy i didn't turn into a SKULLpture out there." I couldn't help laugh at that one. " well at least there is someone here who enjoys my puns" I watched her take a sip of ketchup, i didn't know there was another person who loves ketchup and puns just like me. In matter in fact, i never seen her around here before. But for some reason i feel like i should get to know her, i mean i know everyone here so it makes sense to get to know her too." Welp Grillb, i'll be heading out, i have lots to do." "(y/n)... do you even have a place to stay?" "um...well no not really, but i'll figure that out somehow, well thanks for the drink, see you around." She walked out the Bar but i couldn't let her go into town without knowing who she is, who knows, she could be a human in disguise. But how could she be, Grillby seemed to have known her. "Hey Grillb, put it on my tab i'm heading out." " Ok sans, but you will have to pay your tap soon, or no more ketchup for you." "fine fine"

(Y/N) Point Of View

It was good to be back home, feeling the chilly air of the winter snow. You didn't mind the cold since it just goes right through you. "Hey kid, don't you know how to greet a new pal, turn around and shake my hand." "don't you know that you should never sneak up on people while walking alone in the snow?" You turned around anyway to shake their hand and you realized that he was the same guy that was in the bar...that skeleton with the ketchup bottle... "so kid, what are you doing out here in the snow?" "You know, stuff to do, all that stuff?" "well you must be (y/n), i'm Sans, Sans the Skeleton." "Ya i figured the last part" " You new around here?" "not really i lived here for years, i only had a trip somewhere" "Trip, where to?" "somewhere, but at least i'm back, but this place doesn't seem the same as i remembered it, it feels something has happened while i was gone." " Heh if only you knew" "welp its been nice snowing you but i got to go, see you around." "SANS" You heard someone shout out and you turned to see a tall skeleton. " SANS YOUR SUPPOSE TO BE AT YOUR STAND WHY ARE YOU HERE?" "heh i was just here talking to a new friend?" "HELLO THERE, I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS, THE SUPER COOL BROTHER." "I can see that" You gave him a smile" They seem like nice people, and as much as you like to get to know them, you have to find a place to stay for the night. " Well its nice to meet you both but i really have to go find a place to stay before it gets dark" "YOU CAN STAY WITH US, WE HAVE AN EXTRA ROOM" "thats nice and all Pap but i don't want to be a bother," "NONSENSE, YOU ARE NOW A FRIEND OF THE GREAT PAPYRUS, AND I INVITE YOU TO STAY AT OUR PLACE AND TRY MY AMAZING SPAGHETTI." He seemed so exited and you didn't want to crush it. "heh, fine" You followed Papyrus and sans, at the moment you were tired but something kept bugging you, something... or someone you recognized was near...but who...  

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