Chapter 3: (Y/N)!!!!! ENOUGH WITH THE PUNS!!

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(Picture Drawn by me)

Sans P.O.V

We all talked to get to know one another, it lasted a few minutes in till (y/n) just fell asleep while walking. That's some talent she has, i chuckle at the thought of Papyrus reacting to me sleep walking. "(Y/N) ARE YOU ASLEEP AGAIN?....I GUESS THATS OK, YOU WORKED A LOT TODAY..." I saw Papzius pick her up and carried her the same way Papyrus does with me when i fall asleep. I looked at Papyrus. "Hey Pap, how about i get a lift home?" NO SANS...YOU ARE FULLY AWAKE..YOU CAN WALK ALL THE WAY HOME..." "aw but Paps, you know how lazy i am." "I AM FULLY AWARE OF YOUR LAZINESS SANS, YOU STILL HAVE NOT PICKED UP YOUR SOCK THAT HAS BEEN LAYING ON THE FLOOR FOR MONTHS, YOU CAN AT LEAST HELP AROUND THE HOUSE" "Come one Pap, I don't clean the house because I can get distracted by the cool stuff I find..." "SANS!" "aw come on bro don't be such ..." SANS NO" "Pap-ato" "SANSS!!! I saw both Papyrus and Pazius look at each other in annoyance. " PAPYRUS, RESIST YOUR BROTHER FROM MAKING AWFUL PUNS BEFORE HE WAKES UP MY SISTER AND HER HORRIBLE PUNS!!" " aw come on, Puns are Puntastic." I heard a chuckle come from (y/n). "OH NO ITS TOO LATE." "is someone having a punful time without me? you guys need to chill, this is snow time to be joking around. Snowbody is better at Puns then me." I saw Papzius drop (y/n) on the snow" I fell down with her laughing my ass off." PAPZIUS RESIST YOUR SISTER AND HER AWFUL PUNS..." "THERE IS NO WAY OF STOPPING WHAT HAS BEEN STARTED I SUGGEST WE WALK ON WITHOUT THEM" AGREED" I wiped away a tear from all of the laughing. I looked toward (y/n) and noticed she had her hood down. That was the first time i got to see her face clearly. She had perfect shaped jawline and hollow eyes with white pinpricks inside them. She had a grin just like me and White silvery hair. I watched her dust herself. "Now who was the one who threw out all those puns and awoken me from slumber hmm?" "heh sorry kid, or should i say, Queen of Puns.." "that's The Queen of puns to you." We both laughed. We walked behind Papyrus and Papzius. "SANS HURRY UP!!" "(Y/N) HURRY OR YOU WILL MISS OUR COOKING TIME!" We both smiled, "so you cook for you brother?" "i mean of course, I'm the only one hes got." "How about the Undyne in your world?" "well...its complicated...-" "(Y/N)!!" "alright alright, i'm coming bro." I watched her teleport next to her brother and i did the same. We finally made it home and i was exhausted."SANS WOULD YOU LIKE TO COOK WITH US AS WELL!!" "heh no thanks bro, just call me when foods ready." "IS YOUR BOTHER LIKE THIS ALL THE TIME?" "SADLY YES..." "MY SISTER IS LAZY AS WELL BUT SHE LEAVES TIME TO COOK WITH ME, IS THAT RIGHT (Y/- " I turn to look at (y/n) just to see her sleeping on the couch. "(Y/N)!!!!! "what is it bro?" "COOKING TIME NOW!!!" "ok ok, i'm coming" "welp you guys have fun i'm goin-" (Y/n) grabbed my jacket and pulled me toward the kitchen" oh no you don't, if i can't sleep then neither can you " "YAY WE CAN ALL COOK TOGETHER" "fine.." I stood next to (y/n) as we watched our brothers make a mess in the kitchen as food flew everywhere. Surprisingly they didn't burn the house down. "UM.. (Y/N).. CAN YOU MAYBE UM" "ok bro i'll cook the food this time. "YAY THANK YOU SISTER" "of course bro, why don't you go hang out with Papyrus, i'll clean up afterwards k?" "WOWIE THANK YOU" I saw Papyrus lead Papzius to his room, its amazing how they became friends very quickly. I watched (y/n) start cooking. "you need help kid?" "i don't see you as the cooking type Sans" "i don't see you as a cooker either." "are you challenging me on cooking?" "and what if i am?" "then brush your laziness off and we'll see who has the better cooking skills" "oh your on." We both started working on our own pasta to see who makes the better plate. I admit i never thought that getting my lazy ass off the couch and do something like cooking would actually be fun. I looked over at (y/n) to see how her pasta was coming out but the next thing i knew it, she threw pasta sauce in my face "no looking at my pasta before its done.." "oh no you didn't" I grabbed a handful of Pasta and threw it towards her hitting her in the face. "oh you have just started a war that was never meant to be started." I saw her pick up a bowl of sauce with her magic and throw it straight at me. i did the same and it was like that all day, back and forth back and forth. We both were soaked in pasta that both our brothers thought we were walking spaghetti. Papyrus and Pazius thought that they would take over the cleaning since we might just make it worst. I lent the bathroom to (y/n) so she may clean up. I walked upstairs to get myself a new pair of clothes. I walked back down to see (y/n) sitting on the couch, shes fast. "SANS SHOULDN'T YOU BE AT YOUR STATION WORKING?!" "yea i know Pap" "(Y/N) ISN'T IT ALSO THE TIME WHERE YOU GO ON PATROL TO SEE IF THIS AU IS SAFE?!" "yea i know Papzy" I saw (y/n) look up to me. "well Sans, i guess we have our own work to do." "heh i guess so."

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