Chapter 20: The Union and Agent P's Avengers Initiative

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  " I was trying to escape when you found me," Q said and breathed heavily. His two-faced appearance was not in good shape for he had mutated after his capture. Q was too anxious to recall the events during his interrogation and sweating. " Mademoiselle Cinder and the others were all gone after the battle. I wanted to make a revenge against all of you!"

Agent P stood silently and crossed his arms. He was staring and listening at his former partner turned prisoner. The Filipino-American MIB looked intently and thought about giving the Frenchman another question.

" What made you to do all of these? "

" It's for the White Fang's success! Like I said to you before, the MIB never gave me a chance to be more superior than anyone else! It's just because of your futile regulation code!"

" It's just because you're a double crosser then you wanted to overthrow us." P sternly replied. " You'd told me before, Q. Isn't that right?"

Q was very speechless that he got cornered from P's striking question. The mutated Frenchman broke out in a cold sweat. He looked at his hands were chained by a protective handcuffs. He thought again of killing the man in front of him. Q stared at the senior agent and attempted to break free using his metallic ability. Agent P sensed his suspect's murderous intention. He was calm yet cautious for he didn't want to experience another torture.

" Do you think that you can finish me so easily? You can't do this to me, again! You'll end up in prison." P bitterly said and turned his eyes red. He began to scorch until, he was in full blast fire Inhuman. He gave the French metallic man a blazing strike from his arms. Q's face was sweating and melting. He was scared to death when he saw the MIB agent's transformation.


Just behind the one way mirror glass, the Methane Boys, Agents Y and Dela Cruz, and Director Fury had witnessed the traitor's interrogation. They observed and listened on what the 2 people had discussed about.

" Well, good for him!" UR the Uranian chuckled.

" The traitor's gonna be toasted for real!" NE added.

" Buti nga! Masunog na siya! " Nat said as she saw her cousin's berserker mode.

" A revenge, eh?!" Y laughed and turned to her partner's full blast fire ability. " I hope he can use his new powers to fight evil for good."

" There is a potential for that Inhuman," Fury said. "Since, he's one of the Schnee Dust recipient, I have plans for him."

" Sir, what do you mean?" the Methane Boys curiously asked.

" Mr. Fury, I want to know about that plan," Y added.

" I'm going to talk to your chief, afterwards. We have to make decisions for his action."

  " Thank you for all the support in this mission," Agent B smiled after she had placed the 200 year old Faunus nuclear armament in the highly secured room. " It is a privilege to work with this secret organization. Now, the weapon will be under your custody. I'm so glad with your decision for this."

" You're welcome, Agent B," O the MIB Chief warmly replied. " Your mission is successfully accomplished. Your valuable object will be safe from us."

" I agree, " Aileen added. " Thanks to your help."

" We did a good job, kitty." Agent K nodded.

" If Trevor's living with us," J said. " He would be happy to see it."

" I understood," the Cat Faunus answered. " He really intended to be kept from our enemies.

Meanwhile in the MIB laboratory and engineering department, Agent W had finished her new element from her science experiment. She had been working for several days to create a formula in combining chemical elements and Schnee dust.

" Finally! I made it!" she exclaimed and held a test tube. " This is a just a liquid form of this new element."

" An addition to the new table of elements? " Simmons was curious in what she saw. " That's interesting."

" Hmmm, what kind of element did you use and combine?" X asked.

" It's a combination of Hydrogen nuclei, Calcium ions, Livermorium ions and Ununoctium atoms. It's highly more radiocative from its parent isotope, since I've added Schnee dust from the Hydrogen sample."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2017 ⏰

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