Chapter 2: Tuesday (Act One)

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The next morning came way too fast for Eridan's liking, and it was with a groan and a pounding headache that he rolled out of bed. Slipping on his glasses helped marginally to wake him up, but one glance in the mirror confirmed that he looked how he felt - like shit.

He yawned as he padded into the bathroom, tempted to shower right then - although he normally showered at night - to rid himself of the salt in his bedhead and the smell of beach that clung to him. Eventually, a look at the clock told him that if he did he'd be late, and he simply brushed his teeth, gelled his hair, neglected to put concealer on the dark purple bruise across his cheek (a fact he wouldn't notice until later), and all but ran back out to get dressed.

Unwilling to find something new to wear, Eridan simply shoved on the clothes from the day before, scowling at his damp binder. He wound his trademark scarf around his neck, slipped his trademark rings on his fingers, clipped his trademark cape around his neck, adjusted his appearance in the mirror, and prepared to face his family for the first time that day.

Oh, joy.

He attempted to slip downstairs unnoticed, another glance at the time on his phone informing him that no, he did not have time for breakfast. That somewhat annoyed him, most important part of the day and all that, but he was too set on making it to school on time every day. He knew how nerdy it was but fuck it, he'd rather have the satisfaction of knowing he managed to make it than the approval of his peers.

Luckily, he didn't run into either of his parents or his brother, which was mildly surprising but very much welcomed. He definitely didn't hang around to see them, either, he got his ass in his car and drove off as soon as he possibly could. Hasta la vista for today, assholes.

Pulling into his regular parking spot, Eridan smoothed back his hair and attempted to tame the one errant curl that seemed hellbent on falling into his eyes. Unsuccessful, he sighed and prepared himself for yet another day at everyone's favorite place - school.

No one paid any attention to him as he slipped through the halls, but he caught a couple of people sticking their legs out to trip him, and it was only through reflex and observation did he manage to hop over them, earning him scowls from the owners of the legs. He simply flipped them off in return and made it to his first class just as the bell was ringing, hiding in the back like he always did.

The periods seemed to drag on for days, and it was blessed relief when Eridan could finally escape to lunch and see his friends for the first time that day. Well. The people he liked to call his friends that probably weren't actually his friends but he hung out with them anyway because they liked him marginally more than the rest of the school.

Yeah. Those guys.

Only this time, their lunch table was crowded with new faces, deepening Eridans scowl as he slipped into his regular seat next to Karkat. The tiny sweater-clad ginger was ranting on about something or other, as he often was, to a brunet with glasses on the opposite side of the table. Eridan couldn't be bothered to listen in, so he just poked at the food on his tray and waited for Karkat to pause.

Karkat didn't pause, but he did turn to Eridan in greeting, and only then did he pause, thick eyebrows furrowing together.

"What the fuck happened to your face, fish dick?" came the gravelly voice, and the new people on the table leaned in interestedly. Eridan scowled even more, remembering the swollen purple mark marring his face, cursing himself for not remembering concealer that morning.

"I got mugged," he lied quickly, hoping the redhead would accept it, and luckily he did, but not without his frown deepening.

"Whatever. We've got some new guys."

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