Chapter 3: Tuesday (Act Two)

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The two teens stared each other down, neither of them making a move. Both were tucking their phones back into their pockets and sort-of glaring at one another, but Sollux seemed more interested in scanning Eridan from top to bottom.

"Jutht my luck," he muttered, seemingly to himself, and probably presuming Eridan couldn't hear him. Eridan flushed slightly. What the hell was that supposed to mean?

"So, uh," the smaller of the two began awkwardly, tapping with a ring on his car. How does one go about discussing anything with the hottest person that you've ever met - who, incidentally, you have to pretend to be dating in less than a week, and oh fuck they'd probably have to kiss.

Sollux raised an eyebrow. "Great vocabulary."

"Fuck off." Wow, what an excellent start.

"Look, rich thhit. I dont have all day, tho are we going to do anything or thhould I jutht head home now?" Oh shit, Sollux was probably getting angry. Taking a deep breath, Eridan puffed himself up to his full height - rather unimpressive in comparison - and glowered at the other boy, trying to summon all the pride his father had beat into him.

"I'd suggest you dont speak to me that w-way," he said, as regally as he could, but the crack in his voice and his stuttered w didn't do much to help his case, only serving to put a crooked, toothy smile on Sollux's face. Cod he needed a dentist appointment.

"Mm, yeth, very imprethive. I'm thhaking in my bootth."

Eridan cast a glance to Sollux's feet. "You're not w-wearing boots."

That earned him a snort of laughter and a disbelieving look that felt horribly condescending. How dare this... this... sexy stranger stand there and laugh at him! Eridan could feel himself blushing and pulled his face into a frown, glaring at his own feet and shuffling them awkwardly.

"Why the fuck did I agree to this?" the taller of the two asked, to no one in particular.

Eridan scowled and looked back up at Sollux, staring him down through those ridiculous 3D glasses that he wore for no conceivable reason. "Because I'm payin' you and I needed a fawour. This w-works out for both a us. Alright?"

"Alright, alright. Didnt you thay we needed a cover thtory?"

Blinking, the shorter brunet nodded slowly. "Um, yes. Yes w-we do."

Gesturing round at the empty school parking lot, Sollux leaned back against Eridans car, earning him a glare. "Tho are we gonna thtay here or what? Real romantic thetting, ED."

ED? Who the hell was ED? He couldn't be giving him a nickname already. Well, two could play at that game.

"W-well, Sol, w-we could go somew-where else if you'd rather. Its not like I'm the one enlisting your help, and I'd quite like to stay here, oh no." Hah. Nicknames already. Eridan mentally patted himself on the pack.

Sollux grinned, not responding to the nickname, and spun around to the passenger side, opening the door and leaning over the top of the car briefly to smile at Eridan. "And it'th not like I'm the one actually helping you. Let'th go." And that cheeky fucker actually pulled down his glasses and shot Eridan a wink, while simultaneously confirming that his eyes were startlingly different colours. It was stupidly attractive, and Eridan could feel his little gay heart speeding up.

He muttered to himself as he slid in the driver's seat next to Sollux, who was already fiddling with everything. "W-where do you w-wanna go?" he asked, already exasperated with Sollux's uncooperative nature and flustered by how much he loved it.

Sollux shrugged. "We could go to mine. My brotherth home, but I'll tell him not to bother uth. He'th kind of a handful, though. Maybe we'll luck out and hith girlfriend will be home. Or not, they might be fucking."

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