Chapter 7: Friday (Act One)

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The day was finally upon them.

Eridan didnt realise it when he first rolled sleepily out of bed in the morning, and it wasn't until he was staring blearily into the mirror that he remembered what day it was. The day he'd have to show his parents he could indeed be a functioning, gay (bisexual, but honestly with Sollux around he was doubting everything), male member of society. Not to mention the day he could kiss Sollux all he liked and maybe try to forget it was all for show.

Or would that be too forward? He wanted to keep Sollux's friendship, at the very least. Kissing him relentlessly probably isn't the best way to keep Eridan in his good books.

Splashing water on his face, Eridan noted with a smile that the puffiness had all but disappeared from his face, leaving only angry purple marks that were fading into yellowish green around the edges. Gel was applied to his hair and slicked back, and he tried not to throw up as he stared at his reflection and felt nausea rising as he thought of what would happen after school.

Nevertheless, he tried to brush it off and changed quickly into his clothes, finishing his preparations for school and leaving as soon as he could. He'd honestly rather get the whole day out of the way as soon as he possibly could.

As such, he tried to be as inconspicuous as he could in classes, especially history class. His teacher kept shooting him glances, as though she thought he would try to escape her class again. Like he would dare. He loved history. It just happened that he hadn't been having the greatest day on Thursday, is all.

Lunch passed uneventfully, but Eridan felt awful when Sollux didnt show up like he had before. No one else seemed bothered by it, continuing with their conversations like nothing was wrong, and he supposed to them nothing was. Fef was with them that day, giggling and telling silly jokes and fish puns, but her presence just made him feel empty inside. He wondered idly just what was wrong with him, even as everyone laughed and joked around him. And no, he didnt eat the cafeteria garbage.

The rest of lessons passed slowly and boringly, painting Eridan the picture of dejection as he trudged to his car at the end of the day, only to be met with no lanky hacker waiting for him.

No lanky hacker waiting for him.

Eridan smacked himself in the face and cursed his belief that Sollux would even show up, immediately dreading going home and facing his parents and being like whoops, sorry, turns out I don't actually have a boyfriend after all. They'd be so fucking pissed. Trying to resign himself to that fact, Eridan dug for his keys and unlocked his car, wondering just where Sol was.


Oh. There. Running across the parking lot. Why did he always assume the worst? Sol probably just got out late or some shit. Eridan smacked himself in the face again, and before he knew it the lanky hacker was before him... handing him something?

"Flowers?" Eridan asked, heart swelling as he accepted the proffered bouquet of violets. Sollux grinned at him, a smile that made Eri melt and die inside.

"Might ath well make it look extra real, right? Were you about to leave without me?" Sol asked, climbing into the passenger seat as Eridan inhaled a deep breath of the sweet violet scent.

"Of course not!" he squeaked, climbing into the drivers seat and taking a moment to look Sol over. He looked cuter than ever, and Eridans heart skipped several beats as he gently placed his bouquet in the backseat. What a romantic fucker. Even if it was all for show. He had actually fucking bought Eridan flowers.

"Thure theemed like you were," the passenger taunted as the car started up and they pulled out of the parking lot. Eridan tried not to let anxiety overwhelm him as he turned toward the familiar path home.

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