Chapters In My Life! 5

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Anyong yeorobun! How's life? Hope you always yehet in ur life. Nan jongmal miyane for not updating so long. But even I don't know if you guys still waiting for this story, hehe.  Kkaebsong~~ So in this part, you may find some bad characters that MAY be your bias. 그롷니까, miyan ne? This story is fiction created to be highlited for. So, enjoy babeyh! Anyongie ungya ungya~♡♥♡


   Chapter (***5)

   -What you look, may not it is-


   "Heol, daebakida."

              An uninvited voice suddenly comes out of nowhere. 

     '... ' is how EXO react.

   It's Teen Top, Chang Jo and Chunji. FYI, they are the worst enemy of EXO. They always attempt to create a scene with them.

   "So who's that hot chick? Your savior? Owh, you mean the debt settler for you poor guys? Aigoo, pity you... ." Oh'o', they've started. Suho is barely managing his emotion right now as his forehead turns red.

   "Oh yeah, and you Kris. Your appa haunts you back right? For your money and fame. What a shame!" Chunji and Chanjo laugh as their bad mouth seem to make the boys down. (Guys, don't tell me you don't know about Kris's history? )

    At the moment Tao stands up with his fierce face, clenching his teeth and his nerve bare too as his anger couldn't stop himself.

    But, Chanyeol is faster when he clenching his fist and  beats Chunji's face.

    And so,... he falls down.

    Kris just gives them a fierce glance from a far.

     Kim Chan comes, looking at the boys. Changjo helps Chunji getting up. They each other looking at the manager. "How come?" Kim Chan still can't makes up his mind yet.

     Suho moves near them. "Once again, you'll be dead."

     That two problematic boys rolling their eyes as Suho left after warns them. Kim Chan knocks off their head.

     "Owchh!!!" They groans. "What again?!"

Kim Chan gives them a glare meaning'how dare you messing up with my boys!'

"I'm going to tell your agency bout this."

      And the boys? They hit their  'jackpot'. kkk3


          Charlotte's POV

   Yeah, I saw the two unknown nasty boys messing up with Exo. Also saw Chan oppa knocks their head and I laugh.

    "Yah you, bitch!" I turn my head around. It's Hae Rin and Mae Rin, looking at me like a stupid lion and ugly tigress in hunger. They are the president's daughter  -- plus my cousin actually. -_-

I snub them off, walking toward the dessert table and pick some cute little macaron in my mouth.

    "Pabbo." I thought.

     "Yah listen, you useless slut!" WTF? 0o0

They said that to whom? To me? Me?!  Just then Hae Rin straighten her finger to my face, really straight enough. And nearing her plastic face to mine. (Oh, and heck yeah they're all products from plastic. From the head to toe. Believe me.)

      "Don't you ever go near my Exo boys again... or you'll meet your end. Arasseo?!"

"Hah." I smirk. As same as my thought, stupid fangirls. I express my bored so-what?  face and gives them a wink.

      "No, I can't do that of course. They are my boys... and workers." I highlite the word workers. Anyway, they ARE my workers. I spend my money on them, don't you remember? While Hae Rin and Mae Rin go... what?! Hahaha... their expression make me burst. Again, pabbo.

      As I get the win, I step out from the  'war site' and heads to my table. I have fun just by myself, looking around watching the idol's performances and having my favourite cocktail. "Hey, can I join you?" A rough voice steal my attention. Oh, it's K- kim Tae Hwan or Tae Han something. Ah... Park Tae Hwan, the Korea's proud swimming athlete I guess. My uncle -- the president likes him a

lot cause it must be a must for him to talk bout him if we talk together. Ahaks. It'll be double serious trouble for him if my uncle wants to match make him with his two unexpectable daughters.        

     He smiles. Yeah, I have to admit that he get such a pretty smile and baby-faced, urm kyeopta! ^*^ We start to talk to each other. Career, works. tiredness. He listens well and talks well too. I feel comfortable to be around him.

      My phone interrupts. It's ringing.


       I excuse myself, hastily.


              Kris's POV

         "Shit!" I hate my eyes flowing out so many liquid. Yeah, guys. I'm crying and if anybody knows this, it'll be seriously a shame. Even I couldn't believe myself, a cold - city - modern - handsome - manly guy like me will cry. Well, everybody does right? And why I'm cryin? Ask that two devils just now. Damn it! My dad? I don't have a dad in my whole life to be true. Huh!

          I look up myself on the reflection of the tissue holder beside the bowl I'm sitting on. I deeply sighed thinking about my life. If no Exo, I'll hardly guess where I am right now. Heaven or hell? 'Erghh!' I shake my head. And something comes in my mind, how's mama doing? I look up at my phone, searching my mom's number. Actually I just talk on my mom this morning so it'll be weird if I call her right now. By the way, I'm not a mommy boy okay. Mama will be okay, right? I stare long at my phone as I have a supernatural power that enables me to watch what my mom's doing in Canada.

           "Honey, listen. Please...just endure it right now nae? Jebal." I catch a woman voice. I open the toilet door a bit to sneak a little. I just see her back only. Looks like a young lady, long almond-coloured hair and slim. She's on the phone.

            "Hanna darling, I'll be back soon. Don't miss me too much or else you won't eat. I love you Hanna. Bye. Anyong!" She ends her call with a kiss. And it's make me want to puke out the meatball I just eat. No more wonder and no doubt, she's a lesbian. I sigh, dissapointed. Hehehe...

             So as I thought I spend a very long time in the toilet, I decided to go out. Actually I also want to discover who is the pretty lesbian is. Who knows she might like me? Or I can change her? But at the moment I set my eyes on her, my chances drop down, very deep in the ground.

              My new boss.

              The hot chick.

               Charlotte Lee.

               Is a lesbian?



                      Charlotte's POV

                 As I end my phone session, there's a man heading out from the toilet. He looks so shock to see me. Waeyo? 차깜만...he is K-kris right? The tallest in Exo, also a Chinese- Canadian boy.

                 Wait! Did he heard bout what I'm talkin on the phone? If yes, I'm dead. Totally dead. Just then, we share that shocking look together.

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