Entry 2: The argument and saving

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Edited Version

Logging In.....

Welcome back Shadow

Ordis: Welcome back Operator, Your wife is out with the Lotus...

Shadow: With the Lotus ?!? Doing WHAT ?!?!

Ordis: Lotus was eager to train with her, preparing her for the fight against SCUM

Shadow: Ordis scan and pinpoint navigation, I want to know where she is!

Ordis: Yes Operator.......my scans are detecting that they are in a relay.....check navigation.....

Shadow goes to navigation, she sees their energy signals in Krona Relay.

Shadow's Thoughts - Krona Relay huh *smirks* she is in for a surprise

Shadow: Take me to the Relay now

Ordis: Right away Operator


Miki POV

Red Veil: Such a surprise to see you here, Lotus

Lotus: Such a gruesome syndicate but yet you stand for such justice 'no blood is too great' am I correct

Red Veil: You are correct Lotus, what brings you and the revered fellow tenno here

Miki: we have a problem, the energy from the stalker was stolen.

Lotus: Correct, we have no clue to why or who stolen the energy but they have turned into a clone of me The Black Lotus

Red Veil: Stalkers, how very shocking even they can let their guard down

Miki: That's not the point! Master we need your help I need to train with the Lotus to prepare for the worst

Lotus: Red Veil despite your believes and difference, we have no choice but to ally all 6 syndicates together

Miki: Please Master, in the name of our justice I will make you proud....no blood is greater

Red Veil: Lotus, seeing you come has already shown me how serious the threat may be, we may have been seen as cruel but we will fight along side you......we accept... how ever meeting with all the syndicate favour is in need....

Lotus: Agreed, Thank you....We shall be going to train.....be sure to talk to tenshin

The Lotus and I leave the Red Veil Syndicate and I got nearly scared to death by Shadow who popped out of nowhere.

Shadow: Awww did I scare you that much


Lotus: Frost you're here...

Shadow: And hello to you too Lotus

Lotus: Now that you're here....proceed to escort your Trinity for training....I have some meeting to attend to I will be coming over later to check on your progress
-Lotus Out-


Miki: Before you say anything, let's just go to Earth and we will talk there

~ The Adventures Of Frost and Trinity ~ (#1)Where stories live. Discover now