Entry 7: Jealousy & Hurt

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Val: Ummmm something tells me something inappropriate is going on

Nova: What do you mean 😮😮😮

Xavier: 😏😏😏😏

Emily: I believe Master Shadow and my Little Miki are mating 🙂🙂🙂

Nova: 😳😳😳😳😳

Xavier: Not shocked there...

Val: 😳😳😳😳 How can you say that so calmly?!?!?

Emily: Why are you getting embarrassed about something that is in our normal neural link sensors to procreate 😮😮😮

Xavier: Emily isn't wrong there......It's in our tenno blood 😐😐

Val: Nova, your sister is such a weirdo 🤣🤣

Nova: You're forgetting my big sister was under the now dead grineer queen's rule 😒😒

Val: Oh yeah that's right....I wanna know what happened 🤔🤔

Emily: Well when I was younger, me and Miki.......

*Flash Back*

Miki: Big sister! Big sister!

Emily: What it is little Miki??

Miki: I heard mom say something about you taking the War With quest, you will finally get your dreamer

Emily: Miki 🙁 What did me and mother tell you about ears dropping 😩😩

Miki: It wasn't on purpose... I am sorry..... 😔😔😔

I pat Miki's head lightly, she looks up at me with such an adorable look on her face, I picked her up and hugged her.

Emily: Awww when you look like that 😄😄 I can't resist ☺️☺️☺️

Miki: I love you so much big sister 😍😍

* End Flash Back *

Val: Miki must of been so cute 😄😄

Nova: I never thought big sister Miki was like that.....

Xavier: so what happened then?? How did the dead queen kidnap you???

Emily: That day I had an argument with my father...

*Flash Back*

Sara: Rio, Please calm down 😞😞😞

Rio: Emily, You can't go, you're not ready 😰😰

Emily: I'm SICK OF YOU TELLING ME WHAT TO DO DAD.........I am ready for this dad......I have trained extra hard for this....😡😡😡

Rio: Emily.......I just don't want to lose you....😞😞😞

Sara: You know she gets her fire and feisty attitude from father 😃😃😃

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