Entry 20: The Dead and The Gone

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Miki POV

My first instinct was to shield Winter and Alex as the glass exploded, but Shadow's reflex was fast, he planted a Snow Globe around us. I saw some tennos' injured and some evacuating all the non prime tennos' out of the hall.

Black Lotus: We meet again Celestial Trinity

Lexi, Val, Maze, Nikki and Mira stand next to me and the twins, Winter was trembling in fear as Alex was too, Shadow, Xavier and Neko jump in front of us.

Neko: Woman take her and the girls out of here

I pick up Alex and Winter who looked back at Shadow.

Winter: Dad don't leave us!!


I watch Shadow's head turn and smiled at the kids, but I was the only one who saw right through. Before Mira teleported us, he mind-linked me.

'I love you Miki, Take care of the children'

With that I saw white.....
Shadow POV

I watch as Miki disappear with the girls and the kids, I turn my attention back to the Black Lotus.

Neko: What ever your intentions are, I will stop you

Black Lotus: Good luck, since Plan A didn't work but Plan B works better

I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my eyes causing me to grunt in pain, Xavier looked over with concern. I look around as the black void surrounding me, I watch through a screen through my warframe. Shit What did she do to me!!

Black Lotus: Now the fun begins, My new slave time to blast your second in command

Xavier: Damn you bi-

I watch through my warframe as I blasted Xavier a good 50 meters back, My father looks at me with shock. DAMN IT I CAN'T CONTROL IT!!

Black Lotus: Now that's out of the way, entertain me by killing your own father

I watch myself charge at my father, he goes into his defence stance...


Miki POV

I am sitting down at the Medic wing with Alex and Winter, trembling in my arms.

Winter: Mom I can feel dad, he is hurt, I am scared....

Alex: Dad he is some sort of black scary void....He is in pain....

I hug the kids tighter, very disturbed with everything they said, Suddenly I heard a voice inside my head.

.......Their in Danger, You must go .......

What?!? who are you?!!

.......The name is Titiania, NOW GO......

Nikki approaches me.

Nova: *Sigh* I've seen that look before, You want to go and join Shadow.....

We look at each-other, I give her sad smile.

Nova: Winter, Alex come with me.....Mommy is going to get your daddy

Alex and Winter over to Nikki and she picked them up by each side of her hip.

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